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2 pages/≈550 words
Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:
This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Think about the ideas that Gitelman and Pingree as well as Charles Acland raise in their articles. Write 500 words minimum in response to any ONE of these questions. Refer to relevant parts of one or both of the articles (by quoting them) to back-up your thoughts/ideas. Please submit as a Word document or a PDF. Do not use Pages. How do you think "newness" as an idea, structuring our relationship to our "new" media today? What kind of relationship does the idea of newness create - good/bad? Why? Do you see or experience old elements of other media in the new media you buy/use - are these elements helpful or distracting? How does your media "fit" to you and how do you “fit" to your media? Basically, how can you think of someone who has strategically used or "deployed" old media to make a point? How and why did they do that and do you think they were successful? Due on Feb 13, 2024 2:00 PM
Essay Sample Content Preview:
“Newness” in Media Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor's Name Due Date How do you think "newness" as an idea, structuring our relationship to our "new" media today? What kind of relationship does the idea of newness create - good/bad? Why? All emerging media pass through an identity crisis where they are ill-defined in society, and the existing habits of media use determine their acceptance, functions, and meanings at that time. This identity crisis is resolved when the practical uses and perceptions towards the media adapt to public understanding of what the new media does for which category of people and reasons for using it. Bruce Sterling explains that “dead media” failed to live because of contextual reasons and dominant practices of representation associated with the cultural economy in those days (Pingree & Gitelman, n.d.). Failed media get less attention compared to successful media because historiographical records do not validate them. Moreover, supersession and transparency are two futurological tropes that modern media studies are guilty of. Supersession means that each new media is a hybrid of or borrows a lot from its predecessor, for example, books versus digital books, pens versus typewriters, and phonographs versus radios. Transparency requires that emerging media mediates less of its predecessor by providing a value and possibility of a pure avenue of information pathway. This means that new media should give a better commu...
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