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3 pages/≈825 words
Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
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Recency Effect: Summary, Mass Media Example, and Personal Example

Essay Instructions:

This paper has 3 major sections. Each section is of equal value and should be of equal length (about 1-page).

You should have the following section:

1) Briefly summarize all the major sections (rationale, methods, result, and discussion) of a research article on either: Self-serving Bias; Recency Effect; or Selective Exposure (pick one). If the study does not have those sections it most likely isn't a research article and shouldn't be used. The research piece (Human experimental only) must be taken from a communication journal (or related field), be peer-reviewed, and cited using APA style (in-text and reference page). Use a library database (Academic Search Premier) to find the article (DON'T use quick search). Make sure the journal is available first (in full text). This paper is not about the article, but about the theory and applying that theory.

2) Provide a mass media example of this “theory” being used. For example, if the research article you pick deals with dating and selective exposre, this section and the following should have nothing to do with dating. Provide logical support for how the example context you pick is in line with the concepts of the theory (not the study). Don’t use examples from the research piece. The example should be taken from popular culture (books, films, commercials, billboards, Internet). i.e. "you" must provide enough detail about the example to make it clear how it fits the theory you pick. Make sure you address all the context levels and fully describe a “specific” context that the theory applies (Cited in APA in-text and References). Pick one context and provide a rich description of all the context levels in the one context! "Your" job is to make the connection and observation of the theory in the media. Don't use the connection created by another person or webpage. This should be entirely your example/observation.

3) Provide a specific “Personal (happened to you for real)” and “interpersonal (between you and someone you are close with)” example of this theory being used. Provide logical support for how this example is in line with the concepts of the theory (not the study). Make sure you address all the context levels in that interaction. Pick "one" context and provide a rich description. Make sure you address how this context is both “personal” and “interpersonal.”

The paper I chose is about the Recency Effect.

3 major section

1) Journal summary

2) Theory media link

3) Personal (happen to you)

APA style

No abstract for a paper this short

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Recency Effect
Recency Effect
Section 1
The recency effect is the inclination to evoke more recent memories than earlier ones. The study aimed to investigate if outdated but still active information influenced judgment. An experiment was done to evaluate if memory aspects such as recency and elaboration of presented data directly influenced justification if the data is lively in memory when the aimed ruling is met (Guéraudet al., 2018). The researchers altered the order in which they presented qualifying and outdated facts about the character to keep the memory active in respondents' minds.
Sixty native English-speaking undergraduates from the Campus of New Hampshire were selected to participate. The materials entailed 20 passages, each divided into five sections. The introduction segment established the storyline; the elaboration section contained inconsistent, consistent, and qualified first and second settings. The last three sections include transition, target, and spillover sentences. Four sets containing five passages were constructed, and each student was randomly assigned to a set (Guéraudet al., 2018). The experimental passage was passed once in each group, and all members had 45 minutes each. The materials were accessible through a video screen.
The main verdict was read faster when it trailed the qualified-first, consistent, and qualified-second elaboration (p < .001) than the inconsistent elaboration. The interpretation times were shorter in the consistent and qualified second elaboration (p = .016) than in the qualified first elaboration (Guéraudet al., 2018). The alteration in reading times amid qualified second and consistent elaborations was not dependable (PS > .068). The spillover sentence had no significant effects (PS > .12)
The amount of time taken to read the aim sentence established that the directions in which newly met information and obsolete data were offered affected succeeding validation processes, unlike when the information had to be recollected from the mind. Consequently, less recently presented content had less influence on endorsement progression, unlike the most freshly offered information (Guéraudet al., 2018). In brief, the recency effect impacted judgment.
Section 2
Coca-Cola company knows how to remind their consumers about their products. The organization has always placed ads on popular social media like Facebook, Tik Tok, and YouTube. Many people use the platforms and will likely come across the adverts (Peasley et al., 2021). Moreover, the short clips always pop up at a time and areas that are hard to ignore, and a person has to watch to be able to continue or finish their movie or video. For example, Coca-Cola commercials always increase at lunch, dinner, o...
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