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Public Speaking Experience

Essay Instructions:

Take the time to think about your past speaking experiences. Were you nervous? What helped you get through this experience? Let’s write about it and discuss it.

Case Assignment

After reading and viewing the assigned material for Module 1, write a well-organized and well-supported essay in which you respond to the following:

Share your public speaking experiences over the years—from childhood to the present day. Consider your experiences in front of an audience. This may include presentations, speeches, performance, theater, teaching, etc. Is speaking in public a talent of yours or is it outside of your comfort zone? Consider why you feel the way you do. What do you like or dislike about your voice, your delivery, your mannerisms, and non-verbal communication?

Address also your role as an audience and listener. What sort of public speaking, presentations, life performances, etc., do you enjoy or not enjoy?

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph and guides your reader through the essay.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and closes the essay with a lasting impression.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling.

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins.

For this module's Case, you may obviously write in the first person "I" as it is based on personal experience, although first person is not normally used in a formal essay.

Assignment Expectations

Write an informative essay (no less than two pages in length) outlining your background and feelings on public speaking, including a self-reflection on your own public speaking skills.

Upload your completed essay to the Case 1 dropbox.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Public Speaking Experience
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Professor’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Public Speaking Experience
Public speaking is something that most people find hard to do. Although one can be taught to overcome the fear of public speaking, some never choose to do so. I am among these people. Every time I am called upon to speak in front of a crowd, I am always trying to use the opportunity to get more comfortable with public speaking. As a result, I have succeeded and struggled on different occasions. To this date, I have never considered being trained in public speaking. Furthermore, it is not something that occupies most of my life. Nonetheless, in this paper, I share my public speaking experience, what I have learned about myself, and what I like as a listener.
Although I cannot remember my first public speaking experience, I remember the first that I failed at. I was in high school rehearsing for a play. Before I was given the lead, I had produced the best improvisation in front of my peers and drama captain. However, when the time came to act out my first lines, I failed utterly. My fear of public speaking was too much. I could not produce even a sentence, and I had not learned how to be an actor to make matters worse. I ended up giving up the part almost immediately. From then on, I ha...
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