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Principles in Game Design: Shock Tactics and X-Com

Essay Instructions:

Pick a game that you believe has a bland or unimaginative approach to its visuals. Propose a more interesting art style to replace it. You can (and should) cite other games or artists to describe what the game would look like after your proposed change. Go into specific details.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Principles in Game Design
Pick a game that you believe has a bland or unimaginative approach to its visuals. Propose a more interesting art style to replace it. You can (and should) cite other games or artists to describe what the game would look like after your proposed change. Go into specific details.
Shock Tactics developed by Point Blank Games is a single-player various visuals combining combat, and exploration in a sci-fi environment where sometimes there is combat with aliens. The game is based on X-Com and Jagged Alliance, but graphics and mechanics of the game (Cox, 2016). Even as video games ought to facilitate interaction with fascinating worlds, Shock Tactics fails to improve on X-Com (Donovan, 2018). The mercenaries fight it out on planet Hephaest but even when there is combat, the game is more predictable because there are static levels compared to X-Com, which integrates different scenes and actions in the battle scenes.
While there is emphasis on movement and exploration in interactive worlds, the game lacks as many diverse artistic genres and styles as XCom. It would be better to consider multiple scenarios of considerable dimensions, where the figures move different directions and can do many actions simultane...
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