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Brand Marketing for Social Change

Essay Instructions:

Don’t use Kaepernick/Nike as examples. Use brands (main stream brands) as examples, don’t use causes, political campaigns, or philanthropic grounds as examples.

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Brand Marketing for Social Change
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Brand Marketing for Social Change
Companies are the entities that engage consumers at the individual level, implying that they can use that opportunity to engage their clients and social change. In this era of social media, people are exposed to different media contents that can influence their social and cultural perceptions regarding life. Famous brands can use their influence to reach out to their audience and initiate and influence social change on the social ills that impact cultural diversities. Digital platforms are powerful conduits for advertising to an audience of different diversities. This makes digital platforms the best place for organizations to sell and initiate campaigns that create awareness on real issues that affect society. Some of the global brands such as Heineken and Olivela have used their influence to initiate social change by creating media campaigns that target the multicultural audience.
According to Krims (2017), brands that focus on positive social impacts tend to win the support of customers that believe in support for humanity. Tulil (2016) explains that fashion is a mouthpiece of cultural change and can be effectively used to address social issues such as racism and discrimination of minorities in society. Heineken’s media campaign “Worlds Apart” is an example of a media campaign that was used to address cultural diversities and differences. In this media campaign, two strangers work together in performing a common task. During the process, the stranger builds rapport only to realize later that they hold opposing views about the issues of transgender, racism, and feminism (Varty, 2017). Once the people in the social experiment realize that they hold opposing values, they do not engage in a conflict. They instead decide to sit and discuss the social issues in an open forum.
Heineken’s media Ad targeted audiences that are opposed to issues of same-sex marriages, feminists, and political conservatives. The message in the Ad is direct to people that stifle social change. Social media is a platform that brings people of different cultures and values together. Heineken’s Ad encourages the audience to be open about social issues. It encourages people to talk about social issues such as feminism, political differences, and LGBTQ issues that divide people. People learn to appreciate cultural differences when they open up to discuss issues that affect them and others in society. Additionally, Heineken’s Ad touches on the sensitive issue of cultural diversity in workplaces. The characters in the Ad do not share similar opinions on issues that affect them. They, however, manage to work together despite their differences.
I think that the Ad was successful in delivering its message and...
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