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Photo Coverage Analysis Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

compare the similarities and differences of how two different photographers have visualised the events. why are the photo different even though they are of the same event? Why was one moment chosen over another by each of the photographers? Which is the most effective and why? This topic should be your own analysis based on what you have learned during the course. Avoid shopping list analysis: link your ideas to themes and symbolism.

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Photo Coverage Analysis
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August 08, 2017
In one point of our lives, we’ve all seen a stunning picture about a particular subject which leaves an emotional imprint for a very long time. Most of the time, viewers would see this mesmerizing photo as nothing but “coincidental”, but not devoid with a good technical knowledge behind it. In other words, viewers of a particular photograph might simply see that photo as a work of art based on the photographer’s purely objective knowledge and proficiency about the elements of lighting and camera angles among other things. Nevertheless, there are also plenty of people that believe a truly stunning picture is something which is not solely a product of technical knowledge but also of the subject that the photographer is trying to convey and the emotions that he has while trying to get the perfect shot. This latter belief refers to a mixture of the photographer’s psychology and technical proficiency, which then creates the work of art that everyone could enjoy. In this article, the author would expound in this second perspective, showing how different photographers could use their technical knowledge in order to portray the similar situation differently, based on how they want their viewers to feel about it. More specifically, the subject would be about a tennis match where Zverev and Shapovalov fought in the Roger’s Cup.
Presentation of the Specimen
The first photograph that would be exhibited in this picture is taken from TheStar.com. Dimanno (2017), the writer of the article, named the article “Shapovalov magic runs out in Rogers Cup semifinals” together with the subtitle “Canadian teen sensation drops semifinal to Alexander Zverev in Montreal, but serves notice to the tennis world that he’s arrived”. This article is combined with the photo as featured in figure 1, where Shapovalov is portrayed “in action”.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 - Shapovalov in Action | Photo taken from TheStar.com
On the other hand, the next photo is taken from the same event but focuses on a different angle and a different scenario. This next photo is taken from the article written by The Canadian Press (2017), and is features in the article entitled, “Zverev ends Canadian teenager Shapovalov's magical Rogers Cup run”. This photo could be seen in Figure 2 below.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2 - Shapovalov adjusting his cap | Photo taken from CBC Sports
Photos and Captions
Based on the two photos exhibited above, it might seem that the differences between these photos are coincidental. However, by looking into the captions that each one has, it could also be deduced that the photographers have specifically chosen these pictures in order to provide a strong support into how they present the information. While the first one focuses on how Shapovalov has made a statement in the professional tennis world despite losing, the second article focuses more on how Shapovalov failed from winning the cup. Consequently, it could be seen that the first photo utilized a more “action packed” scene where it portrays the player exerting effort to win, while the latter is more “quiet” and “frustrated”
Camera Angles
According to Truecenterpublishing.com (n.d.), differences in camera angles could suggest different emotions and perceptions from the viewers. Going bac...
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