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Persuasive Speech Outline on Self-Esteem

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is actually three-fold:

Make sure you read and follow through on these directions--

1. Open the Guideline to Creating Persuasive Speech.docx and PRINT IT OUT. Study it carefully. Keep it next to you and refer to it throughout the outline development process. We are going to be creating a formal, full-sentence outline. It is REQUIRED for the persuasive speech.

2. Open Working Outline- Thesis and Main Points.docx for insight into what you need to complete for this week. Right now you're tending only to the highlighted areas of the outline.

3. Open and use the following template: Persuasive Outline Form - Blueprint.docx to complete the required sections for this week: the Thesis and Main Points. Make sure you place these materials inside the Introduction, the Body of the Speech, AND the Conclusion. (Remember to click on "Enable Editing" when you're ready to add your materials to the template.)

Doing this will set you up for the later activity which is building the Body of the Speech, but we are NOT concerned about developing the body of the speech right now.

Once you've completed this week's activity, you'll need to upload your file to the assignment link. (There is no Discussion/Response this week.)


Finally, there is no rubric for this assignment. Assessment will be based on your successful completion of Thesis & Main Points within the following sections of the outline template--

the Introduction (5pts.)

the Body (5 pts.)

and the Conclusion (5 pts.)

Please do not work ahead. Complete only the portions which are required for this week.

Your assignment here is to complete the main points in the body of your speech outline by incorporating personal perspective and outside research from quality sources. As you probably noticed, Chapters 7 and 8 in your text provide a multitude of sources, databases, and suggestions for locating support material. These chapters also clarify what is meant by "quality" research. Spend time carefully studying section 7.2, on Evaluating Resources. Ask yourself, What are the 6 ways to analyze sources? You'll find them in that part of the text.

Review the following document to see what sections we are focusing on here: Working Outline- Body of the Speech-1.doc

Use this document Persuasive Outline Form - Blueprint.doc to add your materials to the body of the speech.

Remember, within the body of your speech, you'll want to balance:

personal story, experience, and examples, along with

facts, figures, statistics, reasoning, and expert testimony (or quotes)

Section 8.2 describes all the types of support listed above. Study this section as you begin to investigate what are the best ways to convince your audience to do what you want them to do or why you want them to change their minds. This is the "heart" of persuasion. Use a variety of ways to "move your audience" or to "prove your point," but make sure your research materials are "quality" and credible.

When you go to add your research materials into your outline, remember we are developing oral citations. That means you do not need to concern yourself with using either MLA or APA citations or completing a Works Cited page or Bibliography. Review Chapter 7.3 for the correct way to cite a source inside your speech using oral citations.

Assessment: There is no rubric for this week's assignment. You can receive up to

15 pts. for three main points clearly organized and developed using your own personal perspective and experience in the speech body (that's 5 pts. per main point)

15 pts. for including a minimum of 3 different (quality) resources (that's 5 pts. per source)

15 pts. for correctly citing those 3 sources (that's 5 pts. per correct oral citation)

That's a grand total of 45 pts. for the body of the speech outline.


Once you've completed your work for this week, go ahead and copy and paste the portions of your outline you completed previously, and upload all of it to the Assignment Link.

At this point, you should have completed the following sections of your outline:

Thesis and Preview of Main Points in the Introduction

All 3 main points within the Body of the Speech

Summary of Main Points in the Conclusion

thesis statement: I truly believe having self-esteem is one of the most important things you can actually give yourself. it shows you who you are where ever you are

main point #1 - self esteem is a psychological aspect of one to believe & value in oneself.

main point #2 - Self-esteem enables one to experience freedom from self-doubt and negativity about one's capabilities. It creates a fearless and less anxious person who can be his best even under stress. A person with self-esteem has the power to attract the attention of his or her audience and influence them throughout whatever they deliver.

main point #3 - Therefore, the first step to developing self-esteem is for the individual to be open-minded and free to accept changes about themself & to look within themself.

The intro the body & conclusion is the only thing highlighted


Introduction ​​​​ (TOTAL TIME FOR THE INTRODUCTION– 1 minute)

I. Attention-getting device:

Personal credibility:

You’re only stating your thesis here

and you’re only listing your 3 main points here. (No other details necessary at this time.


Preview of main points:

Transitional word or phrase:

Discussion (Body of the Speech) (TOTAL TIME FOR ALL 3 MAIN POINTS– 5-6 minutes)

II. Main Point #1:

State main point #1 here.






Transitional word or phrase:

State only your main point #2 here.

III. Main Point #2:





Add your main point #3 here.


Transitional word or phrase:

IV. Main Point #3:





Conclusion TOTAL ​​​ (TOTAL TIME FOR THE CONCLUSION– 1 minute)

V. Cue the ending:

List your same 3 main points again here. (You may want to simply copy and paste from the “preview of main points”).

Summarize main points:

call to action:

Leave a lasting impression:

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Date Submitted:
Persuasive Speech Outline on Self-Esteem
Attention-getting device: Good day to everyone. I will be starting this speech about self-esteem by asking this critical question: “Who among you ladies and gentlemen would consider themselves to have self-esteem issues?”
Personal credibility: I have come to ask thi...
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