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Using the Concepts of Stereotypes and Communication in Decision Making

Essay Instructions:

12 points,times new roman with double space

incorporate theory or scholarly research for at least on of the communication concepts(such as, interpersonal, non-verbal)

In text and after text citation

APA format

Essav Topics

Option 1: You be the Judge
From Gamble and Gamble (2006): Imagine the following situation. You have a campus job working nights from 6:00pm to midnight in the campus computer lab. It is late and you are alone. You feel particularly uncomfortable because there has been an increase in campus crime and students have been warned to travel in pairs. You are relieved when 12:00am comes and you can leave for home. As you close and begin to lock the door to the computer lab, you hear someone yell, "Wait! Don’t lock the door!" A person runs down the hall towards you and pleads with you to let them into the computer lab so that they can complete a class project that is due the next day. In the haste to get to the lab the person tells you that they forgot their id. You do not recognize the student. Do you trust what they are telling you? Do you let them in and why?
How would the decision you make change (if at all) if the student was female or male? Had a baby face? Was elderly? Was African American, White, Asian or Arab? Poorly dressed? Well dressed? Was wearing a lab coat? Had tattoos? Had body piercings?
Share your reflections while focusing on the concepts of stereotypes and the meaning of communication codes.
Option 2; Communication as logic and emotion.
During the semester we have discussed examples of using logic and emotion to communicate in our daily lives. Upon reflecting on our class discussions and

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Reflection
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Institution Affiliation
I have a campus job and my working hours are from 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. For some time now, a number of crimes have come to my notice and I remain concerned about my safety and security during the working hours. I feel uncomfortable when I have to work alone in the laboratory. When the time reaches 12:00 a.m., I feel relieved and prepare myself to go home as soon as possible. The previous night, when I was locking the door of my lab and was ready to leave for home, I heard someone saying “do not knock the door please.” A person ran down the hall and told me that his lab project was due and that he wanted to finish it right now. When I asked about his ID card, the student nodded and said that he had forgotten it home as he was in a hurry.
In such a situation, it was difficult for me to take the right decision, so I decided to take into account a couple of concepts of communication. First of all, I developed an eye contact with the student who pretended to be worried. It is a form of nonverbal communication. I did not choose to ask him a lot of questions regarding his identity as I decided to look at his body language and facial expressions. Nonverbal communication is the use of visual clues such as distance, physical environment, appearance, and body language. It may also include the use of time, frequency of glances, pupil dilation, blink rate and patterns of fixation (2016). It was not possible for me to quickly decide whether to allow this unidentifiable man to enter the laboratory or not, so I chose to look at how quickly his facial expressions were changing and whether his legs or voice was shivering or not.
If he was a wrong person, he could have changed the tone of his voice to remain unidentified. However, from his speaking style, it looked like the person was really worried and did not want me to close the lab for now. Another essential element of nonverbal communication which I took into account was the appearance of the person. At a glimpse, he looked decent to me, but it was not so easy for me to decide whether to let him go inside the lab or not. He could damage the equipment. Another chance was ...
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