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Mid Term Reading Response Worth Over Rothko

Essay Instructions:

Read this article (link below) and write a response to it. That response will be your mid term. This will be the only source that you use.


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Worth Over Rothko
According to CultureGrrl article, Worth Over Rothko he finds it distasteful for museums that dispose of rich heritage in form art for money. He is against the selling of paintings especially if it is a piece that is formed by several arts of the same artists. He is more furious of the sale of old art by renowned dead artist just for the same museum to invest in modern day artist who he has worked with and feels they have a long way to go before they archive the work of traditional artists. His whole article is against the monetization of precious old art. CultureGrrl focus on SFMOMA disposal of the Rothko's untitled painting which he terms as disrespectful and wrong. When the SFMOMA confirms the sale is for helping expand, he observes that the idea is misconceived. He terms the words of Benezra that their plan is to sell the painting to be able to sustain their commitment to excellence and innovation but with the present artist for future focus as wrong. This is because it looks like their intention is to focus on future works by making the already existing high-quality art by renown and respected artist disappear. His passion for art is seen when he describes the unexplainable feeling one gets by staring at Rothko paintings and this is why the pieces are priceless and should not be monetized for modern-day art.
One can easily understand why CultureGrrl is furious of the proposed sale. Modern art no longer...
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