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Nonverbal Perceptions

Essay Instructions:

Nonverbal language can sometimes be even more powerful than the verbal language of a person. Have you ever been listening to a speaker making positive comments but shaking their head no? What does this tell the listener about the speaker's message? Does the speaker believe what they are saying? This assignment will give you an opportunity to determine what a person's nonverbal language might be saying about them within the context of their office environment.

Visit someone's office?a professor, a professional person?and observe the office carefully.

Create a 250-500-word verbal sketch of the room's layout. (This could be a bullet list, table, or any creative way of presenting the sketch of the room).

Notice the placement of the desk to the door.

Notice the placement of artifacts such as photos, paintings, tools, paper, and equipment.

Notice the general tidiness of the room.

Notice the choice of colors and textures and the kinds and quality of objects in the room.

Notice whether there is a view.

Notice the size of the room and the amount and kind of lighting in the room.

Write a 500-750-word paper to discuss the nonverbal language presented in the office. Include the following:

What conclusions can you draw about this person, based on your perception of their office?

Support your perceptions with information gleaned from your reading.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nonverbal Perceptions
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Assignment Due Date
Nonverbal Perceptions
One of the best offices I have visited is my uncle’s. He works as a registrar in a local university. When I stepped into his office, the first thing I noticed was its size. The size of the office fit the title of the occupant. It was spacious, large – with a big desk near the center, facing the door. The desk had a dark-tan finishing. On the desk was an in-and-out tray, placed near the edge to the right. There was a file on the in-tray. Behind the tray was a small framed picture, on a holder. On the left side of the desk were some files and a short stack of paperwork. At the center, four inches from the front edge, was a pen holder with some pens. A stapler and a stamp lay next to the pen holder. In the middle of the desk, on top of a dark cover, was a laptop. The day’s paper lay next to it. On my left, one meter to the side of the desk chair, stood a coat holder. Behind it, on a small table by the wall, was an old computer monitor. Other parts of the old computer were placed under the table with the different wires rolled together in an orderly fashion.
Behind the desk chair was a large wooden cabinet filled with trophies and documents in roll binds. On the cabinet were wooden sculptures of various animals. To the right side of the cabinet, on the wall, was a portrait of the University’s founder. To the left, a portrait of the University’s President. Below, on a small table, were several pictures, in frames, of my uncle with various individuals who had served in the university’s management. Behind me, on the wall, to the left side of the door, was a replica of “Washington Crossing the Delaware.”
In the left wall to my front was a large window, its curtains drawn to provide lighting to the room. The window provided a view of the University’s entrance. The office was painted gray and rather tidy.
Based on how tidy my uncle’s office was, I could tell that he was an organized man. There were no unnecessary items lying around and he made sure that his office was cleaned every morning and his furniture dusted regularly. Tidiness in one’s room or office points to a person’s organizational skills (Fiske & Macrae, 2012).&n...
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