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The Concepts of Effective and Professional Communication in Teams

Essay Instructions:

The Unit 9 Assignment includes two parts. You will analyze professional communication in a team scenario and create a 2- to 3-minute audio response and written script. Keep in mind the concepts of effective communication in teams as you review the scenario and prepare your audio response and script.
What is a script, and how do I write one?
Professional audio recordings require attention to aspects of verbal communication such as vocal tone, variety, pitch, articulation, etc. To create a professional recording, first write a script. You then will have the content to read and can focus on professional delivery.
Review the scenario.
Start with an introduction.
Using examples from the interaction between the team members in this scenario, respond to the questions that follow in a 2- to 3-minute audio-based response. You will first write a script, including quality responses that address all of the following questions and integrate information from the readings and videos with your own personal experiences.
Reflect on the knowledge of the culture and characteristics of a given group setting, such as how people function or behave in that group setting. Discuss effective and ineffective characteristics of team behaviors. How effectively did this team work together? What suggestions do you have for the team to engage in professionalism?
Discuss some of the ways the team members did or did not treat one another in a professional manner. If you were in this situation, how would you conduct yourself in a professional manner?
What strategies do you have for promoting professionalism in teams?
Explain a time when you worked in a group that faced challenges with members not demonstrating mutual respect toward others. If you had the opportunity to work with the group, what suggestions would you offer to promote professional communication and respect among team members?
End with a conclusion
Create an audio recording of your script. The recording should be 2–3 minutes in length.
Submit your script and audio recording to the Unit 9 Assignment Dropbox.( I just need the script)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Team Meeting Script
Student’s Name

Team Meeting Script
Hello guys, I am glad that we have all made it to this meeting. I know that the call for the meeting was made I such short notice.
I am glad that we meet, I also have a few issues that I feel we need to discuss going forward.
Right, all the more reasons to come to this meeting.
The first issue that I would like to address is the value of appreciating cultural diversity in the team. We have people from various cultures, and this is a good thing for the team project. Beyond being sensitive when addressing people from diverse cultures, we all must appreciate the benefits that diversity offers.
I was unhappy with the way Jane tried to tap me on my shoulders. It feels odd, but I could not raise the issue because I felt that I could upset her. It was frustrating to see that Mary has the same behavior.
Well, hugging and tapping on the shoulders is a way of Appreciating people close to me. I am sorry you feel that appreciating people close to me, makes you feel bad, Tom.
This is one of the issues that I have noted are affecting the swift operation of the team. It is paramount that we all become sensitive to each member's values and practices.
I suggest that well become open to one another and ensure that we positively confront each other whenever we feel that a person is not treating us right.
I am sorry that I did not confront Jane and Mary immediately and even try to explain to them the dangers of the communications I was hoping to get from them.
I will be trying to be open and engage my teammates whenever I feel uncomfortable about something.
At the same time, it is paramount that everyone also learns more about each other’s culture. Therefore, in the case of Tom, you might come to appreciate the fact that Mary and Jane’s culture embraces touching and hugging as a way of communicating and showing love to one another.
Being open about some of these issues makes it easy for people to communicate and even interact without having conflicting issues among them. Of importance is not avoiding the conflicting issues or the areas where disagreements arise but making sure that the issues are openly deliberated.
In all honesty, I did not know that I was offending Tom. I wish I knew about it. I would certainly stop it. Because I try to keep a good relationship with everyone and try not to offend anyone.
Yes, that is the issue, I realized and you are all loving the habit, and I found it hard to raise the issue.
I am glad that we have already brought some of the rather subtle issues that are affecting the group. There are other issues I want to raise, and that is neglecting duties or ignoring the roles that one is given in the group.
Yes! The bad vibe in the groups makes it hard for everyone to work together.
Every member of the group has to bring their skills and abilities to make sure that the team’s projects are a success. Diversity does not have to be the cause of the conflicts and wrangles within the group. In contrast, diversity should be harnessed to make the team robust and capable of dealing with various challenges we face.
Analysis of the Teamwork Scenario
The team members were aware of the cultures of each member of the group, for they knew each other pretty well. However, they did not always meet these cultural awareness expectations, and oftentimes, the members would do something that would be offensive to other members of the group. Laura was direct ...
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