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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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Describe Racial Minorities and / or Multi-Racial Americans

Essay Instructions:

students will research their chosen cultural group and discuss: 1) policies and laws. The purpose is for students to gain an understanding of some of the needs of the cultural group and to critically analyze structures that may create barriers for this group.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Native Hawaiians and the Pacific Islanders
The Native Hawaiians and the Pacific Islanders
According to Wazwaz (2015), the United States is slowly becoming a minority state. Wazwaz quotes data from the Census Bureau, and according to this data, “in 2014 there were more than 20 million children under five years old living in the U.S., and 50.2 percent of them were minorities.” The expectation is that by the year 2060, the minority population will have grown to 56% and according to Wazwaz, when the country reaches this point, “no group will have a majority share of the total and the United States will become a plurality nation of racial and ethnic groups.” In this article, the writer will focus on the Native Hawaiians and the Pacific Islanders group. People who make up this group are originally from Samoa, Hawaii, Guam as well as other Pacific Islanders. When it comes to grouping, this entire population was often included as part of the larger Asian group, and this was a barrier as it will be described later in this article. The reason for the stated inclusion can be attributed to the both the Office of Management and Budget as well as the United States Census Bureau. OMB and USCB have the mandate to define race and ethnicity in the US and thus are responsible for the general assumption that NHIPs are part of the larger Asian group. The Asian-Pacific American group was broken down after the 2000 Census but, apparently, other sectors did not adopt the new race and ethnic definitions.
Data with regards Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders or the NHPI is often hard to come by mainly because the group is clustered with the Asians. For example, when one is in need of the health records of the NHPI, it is hard to find any, but one will find plenty of data regarding the Asian group data. The above has caused problems for the NHPI because for the longest time, their health issues have been neglected and are not given priority like others. When listed as a subsidiary of a larger group it is easier to be ignored when the national ‘bread’ is being shared and the NHPI has been that group that always gets little to no piece. According to Stafford (2010), NHPIs are still struggling for identit...
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