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Audi Advertising and Marketing Communications Report

Essay Instructions:

Assume a new product from Audi is being launched and develop an advertising and Marketing Communications report that provides recommendations on the advertising and marketing strategies and tactics that can be used to promote the new product. In addition, a sample print advertisement comprising copy and layout must be included ( if extra payment needed please advise) // The report should include : 1) Situation Analysis of company 2) Advertising and Marketing Communication Objectives 3) Target audience profile 4) Recommended advertising and marketing communication tools 4) Proposed evaluation and control methods 5) Sample press release 6) Sample print advertisement in assignment appendix // Details can be invented, and please use only online publicy available sources

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Audi: Advertising and Marketing Communications Report
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Audi: Advertising and Marketing Communications Report
Audi, a German automobile company under the Volkswagen Group, was founded in 1899 by August Horch. The Audi brand is among the most known and best-selling luxury cars that have managed to set itself apart through innovation and state-of-the-art technology. The manufacturer engineers design, produces, distributes and markets the stylish vehicles throughout the world. The company has over the years developed different models of its SUV’s, Convertibles, Sedans, and Coupes with improvements meant to increase performance and make it more luxurious. Some of the recent designs include the Audi R8 Supercar, Audi A3 Cabriolet, Audi Q7, and Audi S8 Plus (Audi.com, 2016). The paper presents the advertising and marketing strategies that the manufacturer can use to promote its new model, Audi Sports Car.
Audi Situational Analysis
The understanding of the external and internal factors of the company is crucial for the generation of the best marketing plan (Cooper, 2000). The evaluation enables the comprehension of Audi’s business market, customers, and capabilities. A SWOT analysis gives the picture of the organization’s products, competition, clients, and market.
The products of any motor company determine the failure or success of the enterprise. Audi has set itself at the top, with the various car models that include the ultra-premium, super-premium, and the premium. The most known and high-demand series designs including the Q- and A-series models have placed Audi on the global market. Also, innovative vehicles such as the Audi Sport, Audi Quattro, and Audi Ultra have also contributed to the success of the corporation.
The second strength is the brand name of Audi. The efforts of proper marketing for years combined with the introduction of faster, sleeker, and newer models has enhanced the perception of Audi as the best automobile producer. The logo, slogans, involvement in sponsorship activities such as sports, and typography have contributed to the exposure of the brand. The company has also managed to present itself as the manufacturer of cars with outstanding design, technological incorporations, and the safest.
Thirdly, engineering and technology that Audi employs in the development of its cars set the company apart from the competitors. The company uses precise design, manufacturing processes, and facilities. Additionally, Audi seeks to produce state-of-the-art vehicles, utilizing the newest technologies such as the introduction of the Audi Led Technology.
Finally, the sophisticated, sleek, and luxurious design of Audi models differentiates the products from those of the rival companies. The 100% galvanized car-body sets the company ahead of the others. Every car features outline the distinct accessories such as the mirror warmers, interior decoration, safety air bags, and automated gears. The designs illuminate style and class.
One of the shortcomings of Audi is the lack of vigorous promotional activities. The organization in comparison to its competitors such as Mercedes and BMW is lagging behind regarding consistent advertising to ensure that the brand sticks. The regular presentation of the brand is necessary to get the message to the target market and ensure loyalty. Brand communication is an essential element for managing relationships with customers (Zehir, Åžahin, Kitapçı, & ÖzÅŸahin, 2011, p. 1219)
Secondly, the lack of diversification to reach a broader market. The company only produces cars that target the wealthy, thus locking out other possible buyers. The BMW Corporation managed to overtake Audi because of the introduction of some low-cost vehicles that still indicate luxury. Mercedes is also rapidly attaining the top position because of its varied product range, fresh model mix and new technologies such as the self-driving features. Since the beginning of this year, both Mercedes and BMW have been registering higher sales growth in China as compared to Audi that lags behind (Boston, 2016).
Audi has the chance to enhance its innovation in its mature markets. The introduction of cars that are environment-friendly and energy efficient is an area that Audi can tap. Additionally, diversification concerning pricing presents another opportunity to reach a broader market. The corporation can manufacture luxurious cars with varying costs to cater for the group that wants some style at an affordable price.
Also, the emerging markets provide another area that Audi can utilize to increase its sales and profits. Currently, the company’s presence targets specific markets that have limited the clientele. The organization can present its vehicles to new markets to cover more geographical territories and garner more customers.
The first risk that Audi faces is the diminishing market share. The growing number of motor vehicle companies means that the market share is shrinking each day. Additionally, other brands are also improving with the technological advancements, increasing competition. Also, the other luxury manufacturers such as BMW presents a significant threat because of its product diversification that has seen it grab a larger market share.
Another danger is the changes in preference from one generation to another. The younger generation value gadgets, hence savings on vehicles is necessary. The other cheaper brands capture these customers. The focus on particular markets is also another threat thus, in order to survive, Audi will need to expand to international markets before others dominate them.
Advertising and Marketing Objectives
The first aim is to demonstrate the new Audi Sports Car, highlighting its use and efficiency and its superiority over other sports cars. The objective is to differentiate the model from other competing ones. The aim will be achieved through the demonstrations of its features such as the powerful engine of up to 610 HP, the cutting-edge technology, and light-weight body. The purpose of this is to make sure that the car not only attracts customers, but also ensures that they stick with the car.
Secondly, the marketing and advertising objective is to acquire customers for the new car model within a short time of its launch. The aim is critical as this would determine the success of the new Audi model in the market. The focus would be to identify the potential early purchasers that can spread the word about the product to others. For instance, the use of sales promotions incentives can help jump-start the entry into the market and gaining clients.
The third one is to promote the Audi new model as the ultimate sports car combining luxury, comfort, and speed. The purpose of this will be to present the unique aspects of the car that solves the problems most racers and people that desire speed face when using other rival vehicles. The engine stands out as it can run the all racing season without the need for significant servicing in comparison to others that require overhauls at the end of each race.
Fourthly, the aim of the advertising and marketing plan is to help build and advance Audi’s brand name. The objective is to reinforce that Audi is committed to producing the best cars through continuous innovation. The aim is to increase the global recognition of Audi as a company that manufactures luxury cars with detailed consideration to the different customer needs such as speed.
Target Audience
The identification, definition, and description of the potential market are critical to developing an efficient marketing and advertising strategy. As discussed by Bose (2012, p. 116), segmentation assures prioritizing and hence, the emphasis on the profitable markets. The target audience serves as the guiding element in the creation of the promotional efforts. From this, it is possible to design the best marketing campaign that presents the message directly to the right customer who is likely to purchase, eliminating resource wastage.
The target market for the new sports Audi model is the mature and prestigious population. The group primarily comprises of males between the ages of 30 and 50 years, who are financially well-off and can afford an expensive thrilling ride. The car is made for those that want to be part of the elite in the society, with a posh lifestyle. Also, the niche covers men with an interest in being viewed as powerful and those who value efficiency and social status. The market also includes individuals that have the energy and are interested in a combination of excellent speed with comfort and luxury. The males within this age bracket seek cars that give them both functionality and luxury. The new design provides these with an additional aspect of safety that sets it apart from the competitors.
The target consumers also comprise of males within this age bracket that have an interest in racing. The various athletes involved in competitive races globally will form a significant market because of the desi...
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