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Writing Early Life Story and Schooling (Pure Chinese)

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Story Writing Assignment: Early Life Story and Schooling

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Personal Life Story
Early Life Story and Schooling
I was born on December 24, 1997, Mainland China. Both my parents are Chinese people and therefore I am a pure Chinese. I began and completed my early schooling in Mainland and I went for my college education in Hong Kong. Ever since I was young I always had a dream of becoming a media personality one day. When I was I was admitted by the Broad based Social Science Department in Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, however I had not decided on my major, therefore I decided to get a bit in touch with mass communication. I thought it mass communication could not be difficult because I do meet with media people daily. I took three years studying Mass communication and upon graduation, I decided to register for a degree in journalism in Hong Kong University that also took another three years because I had gained some knowledge about journalism when I was at the polytechnic. It is important to note that, ordinarily, it takes four years before one graduate with a journalism degree. I must admit that I got a chance to learn a lot of things about media industry. For instance, I learnt about photography, news and video editing, news anchoring and being a reporter. I enjoyed both my journalism and mass communication classes. At the university I did an attachment with one of the leading media houses in China and the experience and treatment I got there was just superb. I got an opportunity to learn about skills for photography, video editing, news editing well news anchoring or presentation. Basically I got an opportunity to learning everything that pertaining media industry. In addition to that I must admit that I enjoyed working as a cameraman getting first hand information from the source. I also enjoyed working as a news anchor and I was determined to work both as a camera man and news anchor at the same time. Luckily, when I completed my attachment in this media house I was offered a job opportunity in this Media house. I must count myself as a lucky person because getting a job with that media house is very difficult since they only employ the best.
My Media Experience during the Attachment
At the end of the first year of our studies we went for a long holiday that was supposed to take six months before we resumed our studies for the second year. I decided to go for another attachment to the same media house where I went for my first attachment. I must say this was one of the best decisions that I ever took in my life because it enabled me to learn a lot of things about media practically. The experience I got was awesome I was exposed to so many things that co...
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