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Latest Map and Case Count of Coronavirus in the United States

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Writing that informs and educates about newsworthy topics or current events, characterized by a presentation of facts or description of events.
Select a popular article published in newspapers, magazines, or online media to comment on current affairs.

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Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count
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Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count
(Published in New York Times, Updated Nov. 25, 2021)
Comments on the Article
The occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic provided a historical event that dramatically reduced the world to a standstill platform. As per the article, the pandemic became so devastating with the dramatic loss of human lives across the globe (Chowell & Mizumoto, 2020). The various systems of the world were caught off-guard, including the healthcare system, which could not deal with the unprecedented crisis that needed urgent resource mobilization. The aspect of border movements of all kinds was reduced severely, affecting every part of the economy, including business travels and labor migration. The pandemic led to reshaping border management as well as human mobility. The varying cases by region reflect a diverse range of strategies applicable towards minimization of the spread of the virus. New measures have been put in place that responds adequately to the rising cases of COVID-19 alongside the identification of new variants (Ciotti et al., 2020).
Several measures have been put in place to enable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The recent increases in the COVID-19 cases from July to October 2021 are attributable to the Delta variant of the virus that has eventually interfered with the recovery process since the number of new cases reported daily exceeds a hundred thousand according to data reports from the CDC. However, the government still needs to be vigilant in addressing the evolving cases of the new COVID-19 variant, the latest being the Omicron variant discovered in South Africa.
The ongoing vaccinations are an important measure, with approximately 64% of the U.S. population eligible for vaccination, with close to 185 million people fully vaccinated (CDC, 2021). However, the CDC Data Tracker reports on more hospitalization rates amongst children between ages 5 to 11 years. The increasing vaccination for COVID-19 is an essential tool that best protects those at the highest risk from illnesses and death. Vaccination on children could potentially help them protect family members who may be at risk of the infection (Tandon, 2020). The size and the scope required for dealing with the impacts of the virus demands strong accountability and oversight on fund distribution and new programs.
The Socio-economic Impact of COVID-19
The adverse socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health and livelihoods of families and communities, particularly the most vulnerable groups, call for the need to adopt different approaches towards tackling issues within the labor market to lessen the adverse consequences (Boehmer et al., 2020). For instance, there are numerous challenges that the youths are currently facing amidst the ripples of the COVID-19 pandemic. Such challenges include massive job losses that lead to an increased unemployment rate. OECD statistics record that approximately 22 million jobs were lost globally in 2020 owing to the effects of COVID-19 across 37 member states of OECD (Douglas et al., 2020). Job losses lead to loss of livelihoods, eventually leading to anxieties, stress, and depression among the youth as they struggle to make their ends meet and take care of their loved ones. Further, containment measures such as setting up night curfews and lockdowns for COVID-19 expose young men to disorderly behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse and even criminal activities. The desire to lead normal lives makes them flaunt the set regulations and guidelines to contain the disease and thus risk being social victims (Daniel, 2020).
In their quest to recover from job losses, the majority of the Governments, especially from the OECD member states, prioritized training those who lost their jobs to ensure they are equipped with skills that could easily make them find work within the post-pandemic labor market.
COVID-19 devastating effects on the informal economy affected the places where many young people make their living. In most developing regions low skilled workers normally work in sectors with a high risk of virus infection, yet they mostly cannot work from home and do not benefit from employment subsidies or social protection (Douglas et al., 2020). This group is facing severe income losses and closures. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to severe impact both economically and socially across the regions. Particularly, young people have found themselves vulnerable to the various disruptions associated with the pandemic. This has placed many at risk of being left behind in education, economic opportunities, and health as well as wellbeing during a crucial stage of their life development. In such a scenario, young people slide to mass unemployment or get involved in precarious job contracts as working arrangements, thus lacking adequate social protection. On the same note, young people responded to the crisis through public health promotion, volunteering, and innovative activities.
Impact on Education system
The unprecedented impact of the pandemic on the education system had far-reaching social consequences (Omer et al., 2020). The nationwide school closures interfered with normal learning schedules, making it difficult for students to access learning facilities. In this case, a good percentage of learning used to take place on physical location, however, the disruption meant that learning was to be fully virtual to avoid physical crowding that would potentially promote the spread of the virus. Further, the disruption negatively affects nutrition and access to vital health incentives for vulnerable groups such as the girl-child. Such meant that those students who relied on help from their schools in meeting their nutrition and health needs within the developing world were at a disadvantage. Also, remote communities were adversely affected owing to their lack of internet incentives. Previously, some children could easily access their meals (breakfast and lunch) through school feeding programs, but currently, their families are under pressure to provide for meals owing to the unemployment crisis and school closure. The situation became acute for girls and young women who might have been disproportionately excluded from education (Phelps & Sperry, 2020).
The alleviation of the situation requires that there is continuity in learning through the promotion of digital solutions across every platform. In developing countries, the existing digital divide calls for the implementation of intervention measures that could bridge the gap, such as the delivery of text-based content through cellular networks rather than video conferencing that rely on high-speed internet. Additionally, the application of paper-based distance learning materials should be applicable for families that lack access to any form of digital connectivity (Kumar et al., 2020).
Containment measures made it difficult for girls and women to obtain various sexual and reproductive health alongside rights information and services (Phelps & Sperry, 2020). The panic was created over the immediate worldwide, with thousands of people in cities and villages alike suffering from lack of transportation due to lockdowns. There were issues with staff quarantine mass failures across the supply chains with restrictions in customer demands. Serious loss of revenues placed sudden pressure on liquidity as well as working capital (Phelps & Sperry, 2...
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