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Economic Considerations of Intellectual Property Protection and Copyright

Essay Instructions:

1. Discussion: IP
Consider this week's reading and online content thus far: Where do you fall on the debate of whether copyright has become a negative impact on creativity, and therefore should be abolished versus there is a better way to provide copyright protections in this new media economy?
(1~2 paragraphs)
2. Assignment: Copyright Legislation as it Applies to New Media Content
Infographics have gained in popularity over the past decade. An infographic is an easy way to represent and digest information.
The website visual.ly which had an infographic we looked at earlier in the course suggests that the key elements of infographics are the following: present complex information quickly and clearly integrate words and graphics to reveal information, patterns, or trends are easier to understand than words alone are beautiful and engaging
For this week's assignment produce an infographic depicting: the pros and cons of current copyright legislation as it applies to new media content and your ideas for improving/changing content protections within the new media environment. Data source attributions are required. Citations can be listed at the bottom of the infographic.
For additional information on creating and using infographics you may want to investigate these websites:

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Economic Considerations of Intellectual Property Protection and Copyright
Institutional Affiliation
Economic Considerations of Intellectual Property Protection and Copyright
1 Discussion: IP
Long before the Information Age, copyright was a remote concept in most people's lives as it involved a handful of professionals involved in the production and distribution of media content. Today, with the advancement in technology, copyright concerns have become widespread, with the availability and sharing of content having been made seamless and inexpensive. In the new media, the greatest bottleneck in enforcing copyright laws is the lack of balance between protecting the rights of an artist or creator while ensuring that content creators earn from their intellectual property (IP) and fostering innovation through technology. In the worst scenario, copyright has negatively impacted creativity, especially among artists who gain little to nothing from major record labels that share legal copyright ownership with companies such as Spotify (Economic Considerations, 2021). These record labels have maximized their profits from such streaming services without benefiting artists, and it is time to rethink the intended purpose of copyright or find other working alternatives.
With copyright increasingly having a hard time fitting into the new definition in the new media economy, traditional copyright has become irrelevant and no long enforceable by law and man...
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