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Is Social Media Becoming the Most Powerful Force in International Politics?

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Read the first 4 pages on the material that I upload, then answer the critical thinking question with examples from current news or research studies on page 186.

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Is Social Media Becoming the Most Powerful Force in International Politics?
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Is Social Media Becoming the Most Powerful Force in International Politics?
The wave of social media continues to be a driving force of change in the world today. The human society, as it has been, is currently being changed or heavily influenced by social media. One way they have changed society is by rewriting the way news stories are being propagated. Mainstream media is now not the only way that people can access news and breaking stories. Other aspects of society that have been influenced include advertising and fund-raising. Aside from the above, social media has also been the voice of social, political, and economic issues in the world as well. Issues of racism, xenophobia, voting, election irregularities, etc., are but a few of the issues that social media addresses. In the political space, the world has had a first-row seat in the ways social media can alter regimes and overturn oppressive governments. Its influence in international politics is no fluke, and its power grows with every single new registered member. Provided herein is an explication of how social media is becoming the most powerful force in international politics.
One of the ways social media is growing in power in international politics is by exposing people to what is happening in the world. Sharma (2015) writes that social media has helped increase the visibility of what is happening in the world. The use of hashtags in social media platforms has helped to expose evils, achievements, and issues in the world. Initially, dictators used to get away with what they were doing to their citizens. People’s rights were voided, and dictators got away with murder and other atrocities. In Rwanda, for example, close to a million people were killed during the 1994 genocide that lasted 100 days. The world was not privy to the happenings in the small East African country. However, today, leaders and inciters cannot get away with such crimes because of social media. Just recently, the Nigerian government came under heavy criticism after it was accused of killing innocent citizens who were exercising their rights to protest. Protests had erupted against the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in Nigeria. However, on October 20, 2020, Nigerians got to oversee the most inhumane acts as peaceful protesters were shot at and killed (Boakye, 2020). It is estimated that 48 people were killed. After what is now known as the Lekki massacre happened, Nigerians started and propagated the hashtag ENDSARS. On Twitter, the movement captured the attention of millions around the world. People responded to the news of the protests and showed support by liking, tweeting about the protests, and retweeting posts of the same. Celebrities, namely Beyonce, Rihanna, Rio Ferdinand, Chance The Rapper, among others, took to their social media platforms and showed support for Nigerians. In a few weeks, the world was aware of the killings in Nigeria, the protests in the country, and the youth’s vibrancy at fighting for change. The Nigerian government had to change because the global spotlight was shining brightly on the country. By harnessing the power of social media, Nigerians created visibility to a problem that would normally go unnoticed, and people from thousands of miles away joined in their fight.
Aside from creating visibility, social media platforms have showcased their might in influencing international politics by helping people share their experiences. Sharma (2015) writes that social media helps people to “express themselves independently, and yet find community.” Finding communities in social media is made possible by shared experiences. For example, Tarana Burke started one of the most popular and powerful movements in the recent past by banking on the aspect of shared experiences. She coined the #MeToo movement and, as reported by Ohlheiser (2017) was surprised by the way it rose to become a global movement. Burke was banking on the shared experiences of women who had undergone sexual harassment in their workplaces or their different career paths. In the United States, the sexual harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein popularized the movement, and soon, it grew in power beyond the borders of America. Women from different countries started to share their experiences as the movement continued to get more supporters. On Twitter and Instagram, the hashtag #MeToo was shared widely as more women joined in. Sexual harassment perpetrators were exposed regardless of their position in society. As reported by North (2019), the movement has led to several changes, including the banning of “nondisclosure agreements that cover sexual harassment” by some states in the U.S. Also, states are also introducing laws to protect more workers, including independent contractors. North also reports that “Congress has reformed some of its process for staffers reporting sexual harassment.” These changes came about because of a social media movement that prompted people with shared experiences to expose perpetrators behind their harassment ordeals. By creating a community of people with shared experiences, social media has been able to prompt a change in policies.
Social media also offers platforms that help people unearth social issues that continue to happen in the world today. Sometimes, people have to share their frustrations and have others support their efforts for change to be pursued. In the United States, the police have, on several occasions, been accused of racially motivated brutality. African Americans have been complaining and asking for help from their government because of the treatment many of them have received at the hands of the police. Recently, the death of George Floyd led to one of the most brutal protests in the United States. People from all over the world stood with the African American community and protested the heinous act that happened to him. Different hashtags trended on Twitter as people responded to the call to share their thoughts on the issues that African A...
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