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Discussion # 5. Global Citizenship. Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Question: Review Hans Schattle’s Typology of Global Civic Engagement and provide an example of current news and research where this theory is applied.

The discussion question's answer should not be shorter than 2 paragraphs and not longer than 6 paragraphs. You must copy and paste the link of the news articles or scholarly articles you have found to answer your question.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship
According to Hans Schattle the concept of global Citizenship is not a new idea as it has roots in ancient Greece, where it is believed to have originated. However, in the past decade, the interest in internationalization in most higher education institutions has taken center stage in advocating for global citizenship as their scope of focus has broadened beyond the national borders into the international level. One thing however, that is not in a clear black and white is what does the term global citizenship really mean. To understand what the term global citizenship really mean the following concepts ae therefore key.
First, the concept of global citizenship is understood as a choice and a way of thinking. Unlike the national citizenship which can be described as an accident of birth, global citizenship is seen as a voluntary association of concepts across multiple communities. Secondly, in order to voluntarily accept the association with cultural beliefs from different communities, global citizenship requires an individual to have a self-awareness of himself as well as have a strong self-awareness about others. Global citizenship is also seen as participation of cultural empathy, where individuals respect and accept diverse cultural practices of different people. With the acceptance of diverse cultural practices across different communities, global citizenship is seen as basis for cultivating principled decision making that considers...
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