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Communications & Media
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Individual Report Communications & Media Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

In a relatively brief (~2-3 page) written reflection, each individual team member must identify at least 2 findings of your perception survey you feel were significant (e.g. insightful, unexpected, etc.). If desired, you may also opt to discuss at least one survey finding and one finding from your research to construct the cultural snapshot. After discussing these items, briefly explore how what you learned over the course of their group analysis has implications for the larger issue of diversity and intercultural interaction at UB, particularly as it relates to your team’s chosen group. Whenever appropriate, your reflection should utilize points from the findings obtained through your team’s field research to support your points/positions.

Though you are strongly encouraged to discuss your perceptions of the survey findings when tabulating your surveys to compile the survey & field research report, each team member is required to write and submit their own unique individual analysis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Individual Report Sample
We carried out a survey that mainly focused on College Seniors as the cultural group. The survey generalized all genders, years and majors who participated in filling out the survey. The survey objective was to establish ongoing trends on how students spend their time on social media. Besides, the survey also sought to establish how the usage of social media changed among college students throughout their course careers. The survey had some surprising and insightful findings. Determination and evaluation of the perception of people on social media were vital in the establishment of its alignment with the stigma of college students who enrol in their senior years.
The significance of Finding Perceptions
One most surprising finding in the survey and research was that some upperclassmen do not use social media completely. The survey revealed that 21% of upperclassmen do not use the available social media platform. It is a shocking revelation to realize that at this time when social media has dominated the communication platform, there are still groups of literate persons who do not utilize the platform. I can imagine myself without social media where I interact with friends, families and other acquaintances. It is normal to realize that use of social media varies significantly between upperclassmen and underclassmen. This could be attributed to many more engagements that upperclassmen have compared to underclassmen. Social media today yields many benefits to me regarding accessing information, accessing products marketed and sold online as well as interacting with friends and relatives. However, the fact that a whopping 21% of upperclassmen can still in this modern world fail to utilize social media is indeed a revelation.
Even when I was an upperclassman, I could still use social media to receive certain information on research during studies. It is a possibility that this category of 21% upperclassmen could be in areas where accessing internet enabled computers or phones is a challenge. Others out of the 21% may have made choices to opt out of social media due to personal choice.
In addition to the surprising outcomes of the findings, the survey also displayed some insightful results. The study revealed that seniors opt for other platforms of communication rather than social media. As they approach the end of their studies, seniors tend to use career seeking platforms than ...
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