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How Tiktok Affects the Public

Essay Instructions:

outline prepared by myself

-Introduction; How did tiktok become popular? What is tiktok for? Some statistics to provide background information. (Quoting the article paragraph on bb) We are living in an era of advanced information, tik tok is a platform to quickly understand current events, and it is also a place where people can relax when they are bored. People can watch news, politics, gossip, jokes and more on tik tok. You can even search for anything you want to watch. ...(100)

The topic of my article is how does tiktok affect the public? So I can write some good and bad influences through interviews.

-Transitional paragraph - leads me to the topic; what has tik tok influenced the masses? (100)

What I think about these three friends is that I can make up three people of different age groups. I can find someone who is 20, 40 or 60? It’s all right. Anyway, I think the difference in age group can make the answer more real. Yes. Some people think it's bad, but it's not all bad. Anyway, their answer can't be too absolute, otherwise it's a bit fake.

-Interview three friends; haven't interviewed yet (300)

This time it can be summed up. Just say something.

-Based on their interviews, make a summary. And explain the good and bad effects. (700)

I can't write the ending, you can play freely, don't go too far

-The end discusses my summary objectively. (100)

Shop easy is very convenient for shopping, you can intuitively feel the products, and it can stimulate consumption even more

Ads many ads

Mental health - There are some exaggerated or introductory titles, which are easy to make people sad after reading

Children focusing problem - short videos make it difficult to focus for long periods of time

You don’t need to write all these questions, just pick the ones that can point out the ideas. The answers of the interviewees must be detailed, and no conclusive speeches are allowed.

Interview Questions:

How much time do you spend a day on tiktok? (ask for their screen time)

When do you use tik tok? In the morning all the time after finishing work?

What do you usually watch on tik tok?

Have you ever bought a product based off of a tik tok video that you saw (Alex Earl)

Is there a company that you have become interested in because of its tik tok?

Do you think TikTok has affected your attention span?

Have you downloaded songs or found new music through tiktok?

(Frost) do you use tiktok to market your music?

How often do you go on TikTok?

Do you create tik toks yourself or just watch?

Companies market through tiktok

People buy products based on tiktok trends

Shortened attention span because of tik tok videos

Music trends are influenced by tik tok people use it to have their songs blow up (Mac Miller - the spins, )

This is an essay requirements

Please choose a technological device, a software program (including videogames), or a website (including social media sites like facebook, instagram, or twitter) that you would like to examine in depth from the perspective of trying to identify what Turkle calls the "subjective side of technology." If you're acting as an ethnographer, you will want to either spend time with one or more people using the technology, take notes about what they are doing, and probe their perceptions of themselves vis-a-vis the technology. Your paper will need to let readers know something about the technology you've chosen and situate it within a larger cultural context. If you're acting as an ethnographer, you will want to let us know something about the people you're observing, as well as situating them within a larger context.

Use MLA format, and academic language. Length: Around 5 pages (longer is fine.)

Required readings on BB under course documents: Turkle: "Inner History", Gathman (about cell phones) and Chan (about slashdot.org)

You should include textual analysis--meaning an integrated discussion/ analysis of some specific quotations from the above readings.

First person is fine, but stay academic and focused on a THESIS, and also include textual analysis of one of the above articles.

It is required to quote the article sent by the teacher, and I will upload it to you below.

I also sent a sample essay, which is the ethnography I chose

Essay Sample Content Preview:
TikTok-Make your Day
TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to create and share short-form videos. The app focuses on entertaining people through different mediums, including short-form videos and a marketplace for selling and purchasing products. One of the app's biggest draws is its extensive library of licensed music users can lip-sync or dance to in their videos (Yang et al. 3). The digital platform can be used easily on cellphones and is simple yet user-friendly, which is available in more than 150 countries worldwide. The entertainment medium is one of the fastly growing and most popular platforms worldwide.
Influence of Digital Platforms on People
The app's editing tools and filters allow users to enhance their videos and showcase their unique styles and personalities. This has encouraged users to think outside the box and push the boundaries of what is possible in short-form video content. The app's library of licensed music allows users to discover new songs and artists through the videos they create and watch. Overall, TikTok has profoundly impacted the masses, shaping popular culture and influencing how people express themselves and engage with the world around them (Zhang 1). Cellphones' easy availability has played an important role in uplifting the popularity of this social media application. The cellphones were rare even in the technological hub, i-e. Japan (Gathman. 1). As mobile technology continues to grow and evolve; it will likely have an even greater impact on the fame of TikTok.
Interviewing Friends
TikTok has become a popular platform for creative expression and self-expression and has been credited with helping companies and brands reach new audiences. However, it has also been criticized for its negative impact on users' attention spans and its potential role in spreading misinformation and propaganda. Another issue with TikTok is privacy and data security (Indrayani and Maharani 1). As with any social media platform, TikTok collects and stores important personal information from its users. There have also been reports of the social media app's parent company, ByteDance, sharing user data with the Chinese government, raising security about users' information protection. To experience the practical approach, I asked my three friends different questions about the Digital platform. They agreed to be interviewed because they had used the application for many years.




Q1: What do you usually watch on TikTok?

I mostly watch dance videos and creative videos that showcase people's talents.

I usually watch funny videos or lip-syncs.

I watch a mix of everything on the social media app.

Q2: Do you think TikTok has affected your attention span?

No, I don't think it has affected my attention span.

I think the social media app has shortened my attention span.

Yes, it has. With videos being so short, I constantly switch to different videos and not focusing on one thing for too long.

Q3: How often do you go on TikTok?

I go on Social media apps a few times a week. It's not something I'm constantly checking, but I do enjoy watching videos now and then.

I use social media apps multiple times a day, usually whenever I have a spare moment or if I'm bored.

I go on the social media app a few times a day. It's become a part of my daily routine, and I enjoy checking in to see what's new.

Q4: Do you create TikTok yourself or watch it?

I watch social media apps.

I both create and watch digital platform

I create social media apps myself.

Based on the interviews, two (Olivia and George) of the three friends have become interested in companies due to their presence on the Social media app. Samantha primarily uses the app for entertainment purposes and doesn't follow companies on the app. TikTok has positively and negatively affected its users and the world at large. Olivia considers the digital platform a platform for creative expression, whe...
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