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How Social Media Illustrates a Threat in the School Shooting Case

Essay Instructions:

To prepare for this Assignment:

Listen to the Nowhere to Hide podcast, focusing on those parts that deal with social media.

Review the Learning Resources pertaining to school shootings and cyberbullying.

The Assignment:

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following:

How does social media illustrate a threat in the school shooting case? How does that illustration affect the victim? Give specific examples.

In what ways is intensification of the threat evident in the case?

How does social media contribute to threat assessment? In what ways is it both helpful and obstructive? Use examples from scholarly literature as well as from the podcast.

What is the role of the parent or caregiver in preventing social media victimization? Should schools play a part in the prevention of social media victimization? Support your response with appropriate sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

School Shooting Risk Assessment Paper
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School Shooting Risk Assessment Paper
A school shooting occurs when a student at an educational facility shoots and kills or injures at least one faculty member or another student within the institution’s environment. School shootings have detrimental implications on the community and the lives of the learners in the short- and long run. Cyberbullying, which entails the application of electronic communication and mobile phones to inflight discomfort on other people via sending threatening and intimidating messages, can be conceptualized as a critical factor contributing to the rising prevalence of school shootings in the United States (U.S.). In a school setting, students and teachers experience cyberbullying through social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and YouTube. The essay evaluates social media usage as a critical determinant of school shootings and how it affects the victim. The paper will also discuss the value of social media in school shooting assessment, including the role of parents and schools in preventing social victimization.
How does Social Media Illustrate a Threat in The School Shooting Case? How Does That Illustration Affect the Victim? Give Specific Examples
Social media is a communication platform where people interact by designing, sharing and exchanging ideas as well as information via the internet. Students and other civilians are susceptible to using social media to communicate and plan school shootings and perpetrate cyberbullying (Social Media Victims Law Centre Video, 2022). Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) High School in Parkland, Florida, is an example of a shooting case within the school compound. The perpetrator opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle. It was later established that the shooter used social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to share disturbing messages to the school administration prior to committing the heinous crime on 14th February 2018. Parkland school shooting resulted in injuries and deaths of students, teaching, and non-teaching professionals. The attack left 17 individuals dead and injured 17 (Aslett et al., 2022). This attack had tremendous physical and mental health implications for the victims and the families of those affected.
In What Ways Is Intensification of the Threat Evident in the Case?
The school shooter used Facebook and Instagram to inform the institution’s administration of an imminent attack. In this vein, the perpetrator had posted warning messages on the aforementioned social media platforms, threatening to execute the shooting within the school compound. Accordingly, the Parkland school shooting was also intensified through mass shootings that left seventeen people dead and injured during the attack (LaRose et al., 2021). Furthermore, the shooting sparked emo...
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