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2 pages/≈550 words
Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The Historically Marginalized Communities and the Development of the Internet

Essay Instructions:


  1. This is a 500-word project proposal. You must include a minimum of 3 references that you will use in your final project (including 2 academic)
  2. You must present an argument related to critical internet histories and memories (ie: related to the topics we have been discussing in class).
  3. Your proposal should be structured as a proposal, which means providing the outline of a project that you will complete over the next month. Please include all technical aspects of the project (like software and tools needed).
  4. If you are proposing to write a research paper, it needs to be 1O pages (2500-3000 wors,_double spaced). If you are proposing a creative project, a 1000 word description will accompany your submission.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Creative Project Pitch
Student's Name
Course Details
Instructor's Name
Date of Submission
Creative Project Pitch
* Introduction
The Introduction will provide an overview of the argument that the dominant narratives of the internet's development tend to overlook or marginalize the contributions and experiences of historically marginalized communities and individuals. The internet is often depicted as a transformative innovation that has led to remarkable progress and democratization of knowledge. However, this narrative obscures how power relations, economic interests, and social inequalities have historically shaped the internet. This research project aims to explore the contributions and experiences of historically marginalized communities and individuals to the development of the internet, and to highlight how these contributions have been excluded from dominant narratives.
* Literature Review
The literature review will provide an overview of existing scholarship on the history of the internet and its development. It will highlight how historically marginalized communities and individuals have been left out of dominant narratives of the internet's history. For example, the development of the internet is often depicted as a story of innovation driven by white male engineers. However, this narrative ignores the contributions of women and people of color who have been involved in the development of the internet from its inception. Moreover, the literature review will explore how inequalities and power dynamics, such as the digital divide, censorship, and online harassment, have historically shaped the internet.
* Methodology
The methodology section will describe the methods used to investigate the contributions and experiences of historically marginalized communities and individuals to the development of the internet. This will include an overview of the sources used, such as primary documents, interviews, and secondary sources. This research project used a mixed-methods approach involving qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. We conducted interviews with individuals who have played a key role in the development of the internet, i...
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