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Final Journal: Pocahontas Movie

Essay Instructions:

I will upload the instruction in the attachment. Please read one of the required reading and cite the reading.


For our last week of class, we will continue looking more deeply at race & ethnicity stereotypes as depicted in the Disney Princess films.
We will be discussing the readings on Tuesday and Thursday—remember that your class grade does depend on making smart, informed comments in class—this is your last opportunity to wow me! ;-)
You will choose one of the following three readings
1. Leigh H Edwards: The United Colors of Pocahontas: Synthetic Miscegenation and Disney's Multiculturalism
2. Addison: Saving Other Women from Other Men: Disney's Aladdin
3. Lester: Disney1 s Princess and the Frog: The Pride, the Pressure, and the Politics of Being a First.
You will write about the film Princess and the Frog, Pocahontas, OR Aladdin.
(You MUST have viewed these films recently in order to write well about them! Don't just use the bits we talked about in class. The films are available online.)
In your journal, use your notes from our class discussions, examples from the films, quotes from the readings, and other research you may find online.
In 500 words, answer these questions about the film you have chosen:
a. Are there stereotypes in this film? What are they (positive or negative). How might the stereotypes in this film affect children of non-white ethnicities (positively or negatively)? In what ways might this film's stereotypes also affect the outlook of white children? Cite research as needed to support your argument.
b. Pocahontas was an actual historical person, and Princess and the Frog depicts a Disney-fied version of New Orleans in the 1920s. The Middle East is a collection of distinct cultures. In what ways do the film depictions depart from historical facts and cultural realities? Are these differences important and what effect might these differences have on children watching these films?
DEADLINE: Sunday. March 31 at 12 midnight  USE SUBJECT LINE: FINAL JOURNAL
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Final Journal
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Final Journal
Are there stereotypes in this film? What are they (positive or negative)? How might the stereotypes in this film affect children of non-white ethnicities (positively or negatively)? In what ways might this film’s stereotypes also affect the outlook of white children?
Yes, the film Pocahontas includes several stereotypes. The stereotypes are negative in that they paint one side, the Indian Americans as being savages while glorifying the Europeans and their culture as superior.
Looking at the film, the Indian Princess or Pocahontas is depicted as “the native beauty who is sympathetic enough to the white man’s quest to be lured away from her group to marry into his culture and further his mission to civilize her people” (Media Smarts, 2007). As per the above statement, it is clear that the white man’s culture is considered superior or intriguing enough to have lured the Indian Princess. This mainly confirms the notion that the natives were savages and did not have a firm foundation or belief in their norms. Edwards (1999) notes that the film “creates a liberal pluralism in which non-white peoples and cultures exhibit only superficial differences while gradually becoming homogenized into an Americanism defined by universalized Western concepts such as individualism and capitalism.” As indicated above, in the end, Western concepts and ideals win while the others (Indian cultures) die down or are pushed to the side.
Seeing one’s culture stereotyped as being naïve and weak can negatively impact children of non-white ethnicities. While in entertainment a movie like Pocahontas can be seen as amusing, to children, it could be driving or imparting them with feelings of inadequacy. Children easily relate with figures they watch on television. So, they can be easily influenced or moved to agree with the ideals they encounter especially in films like Pocahontas.
For white children, the effect will be different. As seen in the film, whites are glorified, and their culture is esteemed. So, this movie can easily influence white children to look down on other cultures.
Pocahontas was an actual historical person, an...
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