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Digital Ethnography Research Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

MWA3 and MWA4 these two sources are ‘data’ for Digital Ethnography Research. There is no need to write “2.[400-500] using a ground... ...information)” this part in syllables.

The Media Diary assignment is MWA#3 and the Digital Media Task is MWA#4 - the first was your own diary that you already did and submitted and the second is your analysis of a verified Twitter user's media use.

The MWAs are the "data" of your Digital Ethnography Research Report assignment - so you will be using your already completed MWA#3 and MWA#4 (which will be submitted along with the main assignment document) to complete the research report. No need to do another diary.

ACMB02 - TUT03/04/05 Week 10 TA: Brendan Smith  Tutorial Logistics: ● Last drop date is March 24 (Grades by March 22) ● MWA#3 is DUE for review this week (Week 10) ● MWA#4 will be DUE in-tutorial Week 11 (March 27) ● Our last tutorial =( ● The Digital Ethnography Research Report is due Week 12 (Friday April 5) Then - Final Exam & we’re done! Digital Ethnography Research Report ● Grounded Theory: “A research approach that begins with collecting data about a particular phenomenon and constructs a theory to explain the phenomenon that is grounded in the data” ● Open-Coding: “A process in which the researcher identifies and labels the major themes in transcripts or field notes” ● Focus-Coding: “A process in which the researcher further refines the codes used in the first stage of coding, open coding” Coding: Open: ● How can you identify/name/categorize the basic phenomena? Focused: ● How can you theoretically expand these basic codes? Axial: ● How can you relate or “tie-together” your codes? Open Coding ● What are the core categories? ● What are the working concepts? (sensitizing concepts) ● What are the key words/terms/phrases? ● What are the general contextual clues? A process of “fragmentation” into core concepts / categories Open Coding: ● What? (underlying issue) ● Who? (actors and the roles they play) ● How? (aspects of the phenomenon) ● When / Where? (time and location) ● How much? How long? (identifying intensity) ● Why? (identifying reasons) ● What for? (identifying purpose/intention) ● By which? (strategies and tactics) Focused Coding / Selective Coding: A process of “reconstitution” ● Theoretically develop the open codes ● What is the nature of these open codes? ● What is the social behaviour/activity? ● What are the relationships? The focused codes are a way of theoretically explaining & abstracting the open codes Axial Coding: “A set of procedures whereby data are put back together after open coding, by making connections between categories” Formulation of a “coding paradigm” How can the codes (categories/concepts) be related?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Digital Ethnography Research   Name   Course   Date   Words: 1392 [Without headings]   Words: 1410 [With the headings]
1.  summary/abstract   The open-coding and focus-coding, and critical case sampling technique approaches were used to categorize and collect data on President Trump’s Twitter use and media reports. Donald Trump uses the social media platform to attack his critics and those he disagrees with while promoting his policies.  The information was coded based on who was targeted and whether Trump was attacking others or highlighting his achievements, which he believes, receive little coverage than expected.  Even though there is unequal participation among Twitter users, categorizing the concepts and themes that are dominant in especially political discussions provide insights on their significance.   3. Contrast-comparison of media diary and the public figures tweets, and coding ‘category   Open coding of data was used to identify the concepts, where the codes generated reflect the most frequent and significant themes. Through open coding they are analyzed the fragments of the data as they were collected, while focus-coding helps to identify the most significant and frequent codes. President Trump focused on what he considered newsworthy and was supportive or sympathetic to his administration and policies. However, the open-coding analysis focused on the broad ideas based on the data that was collected and focus-coding analyses then highlighted the concepts linked to the President’s choice of subject that put him in a positive light and attacking the credibility of his critics.   Both the media diary and twitter that relaying information influences opinions and the agenda setting theory can help understand how social media constitute the public agenda. Typically the media selects topics that include and omit agenda, and by doing so exert influence on the public.  President Trump’s twitter feed emphasizes his accomplishments and questions the credibility of those who have opposed him in the quest for the presidency and during his presidency. The President is brief on policy specifics, but in the media diary there is more broad discussion of public issues, and this keeps the listeners, readers and audience informed.  There are many voices in social media, and the President has a profound impact because of his position, and both the traditional media and new media provide him a platform because twitter has information on his policies, decisions and thoughts.
Coding helps to conceptualize the meanings of the text, and both the media diary and President Trump’s tweet focus on what they consider newsworthy, but the President responds to both his supporters and critics. Broadly speaking President Trump presents positive news or suggestions that he is unfairly treated and attacks his critics and their credibility  political information is important since it reveals the main political and social  events and problems, but with the use of social media there have been changes on who control political information  the use of Twitter allows the social media users to self- produce and promote where politicians and the citizens play a  more active role in delivering political information compared to traditional media where it is mostly the journalists.  Social media has reduced the cost of sending mass messages and President Trump’s twitter feed shows the power of the platform to articulate his agenda   4. Literature review   In the article by Lokot & Diakopoulos (2016) the researchers used coding to define and identify Twitter news bots, which some included both human tweeting and automated tweeting. When the information from the Twitter accounts was verified, the researchers were able to analyze their behavior, interaction and characteristics.  Based on coding, the input, output, sources, and intent of the functions were the most important categories to understand the differences and similarities between the bots (Lokot & Diakopoulos, 2016).  The outputs of the bots depend on the inputs and whether there was a single source or multiple sources. Topical feeds also influenced the type of content generated and targeted at specific audiences   Barnard (2014) highlights that in the networked era, journalists have had to adapt and Twitter is the most commonly used social media platform that informs journalists and helps them to engage the public. The researcher further focused on coding with the aim of identifying the emergent frames and themes about journalism including the themes of practice using DiscoverText (Barnard, 2014). Twitter is useful for information collection, news dissemination, sourcing, public note-taking, public ...
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