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Fashion Revolution Communications and Human Resource Management Structure

Essay Instructions:

Attached are the instruction, example for the paper, grading criteria and textbook.

Communications and Human Resource Management Cultural Framework Plan:

Description: Fashion Revolution (FR) is a non-profit global organization that is focused on a fashion industry that conserves and restores the environment and values people over growth and profit. Based on cultural categories of regions(Spain, South Africa, Mexico, Guatemala, Kazakstan), students will report on Fashion Revolution communications and human resource management structure with comparative aspects of cultural dimensions theory and framework. This capstone outcome will allow FR regions to gain an overview of ways to best structure their internal operations within a cultural framework supporting a communication strategy and human resource practices.

Deliverable/Goal: The final report will provide elements for selected regions (Spain, South Africa, Mexico, Guatemala, Kazakstan), such as an organizational context, stakeholder analysis, situational analysis, benchmarking, along with the recommendations of the cultural framework.


Project Scope (100 words)
Briefly describe the project scope as confirmed with the sponsor.

Organizational Context (1000-1500 words)

First, briefly explain the organization's industry and regional context (Spain, South Africa, Mexico, Guatemala, Kazakstan).  Provide an overview as a situational analysis. Describe the organization's structure, leadership (this might be one person or a leadership team), and size, including the number of employees or volunteers. How would you describe the organization’s culture, mission, values? 

What have you learned about the vertical, horizontal, and external communication networks at the organization? Does the organization have a well-developed communication planning process? How does your project fit into the organization's overall communication strategy? Learn as much as you can about the communication context -- for some organizations, there may simply not be much information available and, if this is the case, be sure to explain that.  Find this information through your interviews with the sponsor, as well as the organization’s website and other information you can glean from online sources, including the Northeastern library. Include references from relevant readings in the previous courses you have taken. 

Materials you may use:

Google Drive with NEU/FR Collaboration Projects: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1r32Um5RTcYJa1Lu5GLg3kAzkI5pH_KbW



Previous Presentations: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1hG_HM6SQo1KLvFCgFy4ujudglB4FYox2

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Restructuring
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Project Scope
The project scope is to revamp the Fashion Revolution's organizational structure and improvise its internal and external communication for better relationship management with all stakeholders. The strategy would include multiple steps to restructure the organization, relationship management with volunteers, database construction and management, and finally, outside resourcing of internship and fellowships. The project will gradually follow all these stages to build the structure and communication channels. The stages will be implemented in consultation with the parent organization.
Organizational Context
Fashion Revolution is a not for profit, limited liability organization operating in the U.K and U.S.A regions. The company aims to be global with a vast network of designers, brands, retailers, and networks. The organization's central vision is to be recognized as a global fashion industry focusing on the environment and people over profits and growths. The company's objectives are clear and well defined, focusing on the conservation of resources and end exploitation of both material and human resources (Fashion Revolution, 2021). Despite having a clear vision and organizational goals, certain areas need improvisation within the organization.
The organizational structure is divided into functionality departments and managed by the coordination group. The main functional areas are Arts, Finance, Infrastructure, Logistics and Outreach, and training. These departments have subunits of their own. There are five coordinators responsible for managing communications across different countries and operational units. In addition to the coordinators, volunteers also work in unison with the core structure of the organization. Although not for profits, the company enjoys the legal entity's status and wants to expand its operations in the Mexico, South Africa, Guatemala, Spain, and Kazakhstan regions. For further growth and development, it needs to address its internal issues.
The organization lacks a proper structure and hierarchy that is creating hurdles and issues in communications. The communication channels for both horizontal and vertical communications are not efficient and creating issues in the organization. The other problems are in customer relationship management, which is not integrated. In a situation where is a high volunteer turnover, the communication gaps impose problems for the company. Not only is the direction of the work affected but also the engagement level of the volunteers. The lack of proper structure is responsible for productivity issues, turnover rates, and workflow management. There is little to no focus on the development of specialized units, which can boost efficiency. The situation has been aggravated with the pandemic, which has reduced the number of volunteers and increased the turnover to a different extent.
The organizational structure is decentralized, which is an innovative structure with more reliance on computerized operations but at the same time, create hurdles and problems of governance (Chohan, 2017, p.01). For re-modeling the organizational structure, the proposed solution consists of two models, the extinction rebellion and the remake. Both of these solutions will help in aligning the authority and purpose within the organization. The extinction rebellion proposes a structure similar to that of the organization's existing structure, while the remake will help achieve the Fashion Revolution's organizational goals. The structure is needed to be developed from the grassroots levels. All employees and volunteers need to be involved and engaged in the process.
The restructuring will help achieve the CRM objectives by improving the communication channels and the employees' productivity. It will also help in retaining the volunteers as it would improve the activity recording and tracking. Another critical area for improvement is the cultural aspects of communication. The cultural differences are wide among the primary and target markets; in the case of Mexico, the power distance and higher, and individualism lower than in the U.S.A. For South Africa, individualism is higher than the U.S.A, and other cultural dimensions are quite similar. Uncertainty avoidance is far more pronounced in Spain than in the U.S.A 86 as compare to 46. Indulgence and long term orientation are also higher than in the U.S.A. In regions like Guatemala, the differences are significant, with little emphasis on individualism and high power distance, and uncertainty avoidance. Uncertainty avoidance and power distance are also higher in Kazakhstan as compare o U.S.A. (Hofstede Insights, 2021). Cultural differences are very important to consider for delivering the right message to the consumer. The population of Mexico, despite geographical proximity, is very different from the U.S.A. They value family and traditions most and are divided into many subgroups (Daum, 2019). The company needs to consider these aspects of designing a proper message for the target audience.
The horizontals and vertical communication channels can be benefitted from better management of individual departments in the presence of a decentralized organizational structure. The proposed structure is not moving the organization in the direction of centralization but instead creating a more formal organizational structure associated with business effectiveness (Basol & Dogerlioglu, 2014). On the horizontal level of communication, the structure will integrate the coordinators from different countries and departments. Currently, the lines of authority and functionality are blurred, an...
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