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Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
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Observation of Nonverbal Communication Exercise

Essay Instructions:

First, you need to read to power points and PDFs that I gave to you, and then find an episode of the sitcom" Seinfeld’, and then follow the instructions , write a essay . Finally complete the assignment sheet that I gave it to you. Thank you.

Observation of Nonverbal Communication Exercise

Worth: 15  %                                                                        DUE date: February 9 – before 9:00 pm   

Submission: online through Brightspace 

  • Overall length: 3 pages MAX (!) (750 to 900 words)
  • Always keep a saved copy of your final assignment in case we did not receive it *

GOAL: In our course, we have been defining and discussing the subcodes of nonverbal communication. Facial expressions, body movements and gestures, vocals, space and touch, and eye-gazing serve as nonverbal means to convey in messages emotions, give feedback and provide subtle cues to control and organise conversations.

These are used and combined in hundreds of ways in the course of everyday communication; to send information, express emotion, and add emphasis through the pitch and tone of language – all of these enhance communication. The goal of this assignment is to enable students to gain a better understanding of  the varieties and complexity of nonverbal messages by carrying out an observation exercise that will record and analyse varieties of this form of communication.

Through this exercise, you will gain experience in the observation and recording of numerous forms of  subcodes of nonverbal communication; and in recognizing, interpreting and explaining messages that they are used to construct. For the analysis, explain how nonverbal communication expresses ideas & maintains fluency.

The following must be submitted:

1)      a cover page that includes: a title that notes the name of the series you watched, the season and episode number and title of the episode; your name and student number; the professor’s name and course name and number; the date you submitted your paper

2)      a 3-page paper that is typed in 12 pt font and double spaced with 1” margins, using APA format. Include a brief summary of the theme and setting of the episode; description of the uses of the subcodes of nonverbal communication; a more detailed analysis of a few (2-3) specific interactions detailing the messages and how meaning was conveyed; comments on reactions and misinterpretations (if any); other features you observe. Please use formal writing style and complete sentences.

3)      bibliography of sources used; in your paper you should identify briefly what forms of nonverbal communication you have observed and provide a clear but brief definition. Two-to-three references are sufficient for this exercise. Include a reference for the episode and TV source or link if accessed online.

4)      your observation record sheet(s) (see below. You can submit several of these, as necessary). Point form and abbreviations are OK.

Observation Record: To explore the complexity of nonverbal communications, students will watch one episode of a television ‘sitcom’ series ‘Seinfeld’; watch it once as if it were a ‘real interaction’ (since we cannot do this during Covid-19. Capturing the verbal and nonverbal  interactions is a prime focus of the show, so it provides an excellent opportunity for analysis (reasons I consider this series very suitable* are given below).

Get prepared with observation sheets and pen. Make abbreviations for characters’ names. Keep note of time as episode plays. Take notes and record the types and uses of nonverbal communication between the characters. At the end of the show, add details and summarize plot. Hand-writing can be scribbly but try to make it legible!

Identify a few of the sequences that demonstrate particularly interesting interactions where nonverbal gestures or facial expressions are especially obvious and central to the communicated messages. Explain in explicit terms the social context, relation between the characters involved and how messages incorporate nonverbal subcodes to convey or enhance communication interactions.

I have provided a record sheet with this assignment sheet that you can fill out to make a record of your observations. You can either scan this or take a photo of it to include with your essay, or transfer and type up your hand recorded information and include it as the ‘Observation Record” at the end of your essay.

Do not include Jerry Seinfeld’s comedy routines in your study.

Watch the episode once, as if it were a real-time observation.

Your paper should include:

Introduction: Provide a brief summary of the episode you viewed, and explain your methods of data collection and analysis (about 1/2 to 3/4  of a page) 

Analysis: Analyse and explain how overall messages are created and conveyed. Comment on any nuanced or complex sequences (choose 2-3) that you observe, and their reactions, misinterpretations or feedback responses.

It will be impossible – and unnecessary - for you to record and analyse every distinct gesture and detail of a 20-minute episode in a 3-page paper: the action and communication between characters will move quickly and you will miss some of these! But try to record as much as you can so you can appreciate the frequency, types and importance of nonverbal communication in our everyday conversations. Select a few sequences to comment on in detail. (2 + pages).

Conclusion: Brief summary and comments on the exercise (1/4  page)

Criteria for choosing the sitcom ‘Seinfeld’ for this assignment:

-           the sitcom’s story-line centres on only a few characters whose conversations take place on small sets. As a result, the filming captures close-up facial and body expressions extremely well, making it suitable for observation of different types of nonverbal communication

-          conversation is the primary action of this sitcom, so the capturing of the verbal and nonverbal interactions is essential to every show. The show’s theme is to present a ‘realistic’ snapshot of the characters’ lives, so that even though these are acted scenes, the interactions attempt a realistic capture of ‘real’ life. There are some exaggeration, but  these do not detract from the overall realism of the communication sequences

-          the series is widely distributed and accessible via CTV.ca television, non cable channel or website free

-          as a series that was produced some years ago, there may be interactions that use gestures or other forms of communication that are not currently used, and this will provide an opportunity to discuss how ‘social context’ and ‘normative behaviour’ has changed

-          it’s funny, and that will add another dimension of communication you can comment on and enjoy : )

*Students may request use of a different sitcom series if it meets all of the criteria that the Seinfeld episodes fulfil, but you must get the permission of the Professor!!

Observation Record Sheet for Nonverbal Communication (copy as needed)

Student’s Name______________________                                     Date Viewed: ____________________

Time Record


minute intervals

Season and year:                  Episode name & Number

Record of Subcode Used and Frequency

Interactions, Social Context, Relationship/Status

Touch &


Physical Appearance

Body & Eye Movements & Gestures

Vocalics & Paravocal Qualities, Silence

Covert Body & Temporal

Message Conveyed, Emotion, Characters, Plot (briefly), Scene, Reactions, Feedback. Deception, misinterpretations


0 – 2





2 – 4





4 – 6





6 – 8





8 – 10





10- 12





12 – 14





16 – 18





18 – 20





Items to Note









Abbreviations for characters:









Essay Sample Content Preview:

Observation of Nonverbal Communication Exercise
Student Number:
Course Name:
Course Number:
Observation of Nonverbal Communication Exercise
The Seinfeld Tv episode we will focus on is in season one, episode two, titled 'the stakeout.' The episode has a bunch of non-verbal communication; the lead character Jerry maximizes these non-verbal actions. The most used ones are body movements and gestures. Universal facial expressions bring out surprise, fear, disgust, contempt, anger, and sadness. There is also micro-expression; these are the facial expressions that pass quickly and are almost indiscernible to the viewer. I mainly used observation as the data collection method.
The first scene shows Jerry using hand movements to communicate to the audience as he narrates his jokes. The hand gestures are expressive and help him communicate better. He also points at the audience and folds his fingers to share that he has no money. Jerry snaps his fingers to show how women are fast with cheques. Jerry also raises his hands for no good reasons, which sends the audience bursting with laughter. At the end of the scene, he unfolds his hands; shows them to the audience, and the audience also finds that funny.
The second scene starts in a movie store; Jerry shows Ellen an adult movie, and she looks surprised. Her eyebrows are raised and arched to show how surprised she was (Bambaeeroo & Shokrpour,.2017); simultaneously, the corners of her mouth are raised to show how happy she was. Jerry uses his finger to point at Ellen after he remembered something; Ellen points back and changes her mind on giving Jerry more information about the topic they were discussing. In this scene, Ellen tries to invite Jerry to her friend's birthday party; Jerry shakes his head sideways to show his hesitation towards going to the party.
Jerry later changes his mind and points at Ellen trying to make a deal with her. Jerry nods his head in agreement, showing that he will go to the party on the condition that ellen agrees to his set condition. This condition surprises Ellen; her eyes are wide open, and eyebrows are raised. Ellen changes the topic and asks Jerry about his father's hairstyle. Jerry uses his hand and sweeps it across his face to show Ellen his father's hairstyle. Ellen is left surprised by that hairstyle and raises her eyebrows while opening her eyes wide. Ellen agrees to Jerry's deal after Jerry made a joke about it. Ellen is happy about it, and this facial expression is shown with the corners of her mouth being raised.
The third scene sends us to Pamela's party; Jerry uses hand movements to show that he did not bring a gift to the party. Ellen introduces...
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