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Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
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Fandom and Communicative Practices of Golden State Warriors's Fans

Essay Instructions:

Use 6th Edition APA, Facebook Page about 2 pages, and the final application paper minimum 5 pages not include the reference. All the instruction are in the word document that I uploaded.

Fan Facebook Proposal: Each student should submit a proposal of his/her possible Facebook page. Each student will create a Facebook page in tribute of his/her fandom. Each student can decide the focus of his/her Facebook page as long as it heralds the object of his/her fandom. It can be for a sports team, a television show, a celebrity, a band, a genre of television or movies, a comic book, radio show, food blogs, some aspect of Disney (such as pin trading), gardening, shows on HGTV, etc. The Facebook page should include links to diverse forms of media (YouTube, blogs, other related Facebook pages) and prompt conversation about how people communicate their fandom. It should incorporate aspects from all units of the class. Each student should invite friends to participate in conversations on the Facebook page.  (This part is done already)

(This is what I wrote:)

Why Facebook?

• Is popular with all age groups.

• Gets more traffic than Google.

• Fifty percent of users log in daily.

• More than six-hundred million users and the number is increasing daily.

• Sharing information and links is extremely simple.

Project Objectives

1. To provide a social media presence for the Golden State Warriors fans

2. To post and promote content regarding the team

3. To connect with fellow fans

Page Design

• Logo – The team’s logo will be used on the page to maintain identity

• Colors – The colors will be built around the team’s colors to provide a professional and elegant look

• Navigation – Horizontal strips along the top for clear navigation

• Fonts – Matching and complimentary fonts used

• Images – Videos, graphics, and photos of the team will be used

Fan Page Content:

The content will be centered on news regarding upcoming games, newly signed players, discussion wall and discussion forums, photo and video public exchange et cetera. The sections used will be Home, About Us, Contact Us, et cetera.

Facebook Features:

Like Tab: A special ‘Like’ box will be added to the Fan Page instead of the default one – this will generate a higher number of likes.

A Memorable Domain Name will be created: e.g., www.likeGSW.com

(This is the part that need to be done)

(1)   Fan Facebook Page: Each student will create a Facebook page in tribute of his/her fandom. Each student can decide the focus of his/her Facebook page as long as it heralds the object of his/her fandom. It can be for a sports team, a television show, a celebrity, a band, a genre of television or movies, a comic book, radio show, etc. The Facebook page should include links to diverse forms of media (YouTube, blogs, other related Facebook pages) and prompt conversation about how people communicate their fandom. It should incorporate aspects from all units of the class. Each student should invite friends to participate in conversations on the Facebook page. The Facebook page will be graded based on creativity (30%), completeness (30%), opportunities for conversation (20%), and evidence of knowledge of fandom (20%). Please use the Facebook proposal I post above to write.

(2)   Final Application Paper: Using the SAME topic as the one that you choose for your Facebook page, reflect on how topics from this course in rhetoric and public culture pertain to those fans. In this five page paper (not counting the Reference section), please integrate at least 10 of the assigned readings from this course as you reflect on the enactment of fandom within that particular fan community. Because we are not having a final exam, per se, embrace this opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned through this course—about communication, fandom, and yourself as a “fan.”. It will be graded on completeness (50%), creativity (40%), and composition (10%). The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and adhere to APA, 6th edition. It must be submitted as a Word document, saved in the old version of Word.

Reading material:

(1)Beck, C. S. (2012). Intersecting narratives: Enjoying daytime drama as viewers (and actors) experience the days of their lives. Communication Studies, 63, 152-171.

(2)Do Rozario, R. (2004). The princess and the Magic Kingdom: Beyond nostalgia, the function of the Disney princess. Women’s Studies in Communication, 27, 34-59.

(3)Hume, J. (2010). Memory matters: The evolution of scholarship in collective memory and mass communication. Review of Communication, 10, 181-196.

(4)Koh, W. (2009). Everything old is good again. Myth and nostalgia in Spider-Man. Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 23, 735-747. van Dijck, J. (2004). Mediated memories: personal cultural memory as object of cultural analysis. Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 18, 261-277.

(6)Von Burg, R., & Johnson, P. (2009). Yearning for a past that never was: Baseball, steroids, and the anxiety of the American dream. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 26, 351-371.

(7) Williams, R. (2011). “This is the night TV died:” Television post-object fandom and the demise of The West Wing. Popular Communication, 9, 266-279.

(8) Booth, P. (2015). Playing fans: Negotiating fandom and media in the digital age (pp. 75-122). Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.

(9) Graves, M. (2014). ‘Guys, where are we?’: Podcasts, online video, and Lost’s participatory culture. In K. M. Barton & J. M. Lampley (Eds.), Fan culture: Essays on participatory fandom in the 21st century (pp. 173-190). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

(10) Orenstein, S. (2014). Bringing piety back: Tim Tebow, sports, and American culture. In K. M. Barton & J. M. Lampley (Eds.), Fan culture: Essays on participatory fandom in the 21st century (pp. 61-75). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

(11) Beck, C., Chapman, S., Simmons, N., Tenzek, K., & Ruhl, S. (2015). Celebrity health narratives and the public health (pp. 5-20, 111-131). Jefferson City, NC: McFarland.

(12) Butterworth, M. (2013). The passion of the Tebow: Sports media and heroic language in the tragic frame. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 30, 17-33.

(13)Koren-Kuik, M. (2015). Desiring the tangible: Disneyland, fandom, and the spatial immersion. In K. M. Barton & J. M. Lampley (Eds.), Fan culture: Essays on participatory fandom in the 21st century (pp. 146-158). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. 



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communications and Media
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Communications and Media
News stories, videos and even images go viral every day in the media. The process of sharing such information is appealing in the sense that individuals can interact by sharing their opinions and gaining feedback concerning a certain topic. Communication involves the transfer of messages either verbally, non-verbally or by written means. These types of communication form part of a greater understanding when aligned with culture since the messages being transferred can be interpreted differently depending on the people it is directed to. Social, hermeneutic, economic, semiotic, cultural and political dimensions of the individual’s context can influence such interpretations. Mass communication is one of the means of sharing messages that is commonly used by the media, organizations and other groups. The use of mediated texts helps to foster the link viewer and textual narratives, which are important in gaining the attention of the audience (Beck, 2012). The message spread by the media greatly impacts the listeners, and therefore, the media serves as an important platform for influencing and educating the people. Hume (2010) states that the relationship between culture and the media can be understood by gaining knowledge about the past, and future of social groups, nations, regions, and communities. This means that the media plays an important role in educating people about culture and history. Culture and more specifically, public culture, defines an important aspect of modern civil society, which is the way in which social practices and media are organized around political involvement. The inevitably contested and inherently pluralistic forms of public culture prove its importance in communication.
Fandom and Communicative Practices
Fans are among the individuals commonly influenced by the media. Fandom refers to a subculture comprising of individuals who share a common interest, empathy and have a feeling of camaraderie towards an individual, group or an activity. Since fans spend a lot of time and energy following up on the activities or group, their lives are greatly impacted by the activities or individuals. For this reason, any information shared with the fans concerning the group should be accurate and without bias.
A majority of fans like to connect with each other and share views and opinions concerning their interests. By engaging other fans, people are able to deploy rhetoric, which can engage public issues and political institutions. A good example would be the Facebook fan page that I created to engage individuals who support the Golden State Warriors basketball team. Being a fan of the team, I decided to create the page with the intention of sharing information with other fans and gaining their views concerning the team. So far, the fan page has managed to share information regarding news, events, and transfers, and has also come up with discussion forums to engage the fans on various issues about the team. Likewise, the use of images and videos has shown to be an effective means of communicating news and events. These videos and images have sparked debates and arguments from the fans regarding the happenings in the team, thus proving the effectiveness of the communicative practices in influencing the community. The team was also able to post photos and videos together with a description of the team’s history and other historical events. As a fan, much of the historical information shared on the fan page was new to me, and without the page, I would not have gotten to know about the team’s history. This demonstrates the importance of media in connecting the present with the past. As stated by Dijck (2004), the media plays an important role in interlinking the past and the present events. Thanks to the social media page, the team was able to share its history with the fans. By informing the fans about the history of the team, the fans also feel more connected since they were able to relate with the past team members and memorable events that the team has experienced.
Influence of Media
Although fans have a passion for their fan object, it is common for them to start losing interest. According to Williams (2011), fans perform identity work by searching for points of identification with television texts. However, when the televisual texts end, the fans struggle to negotiate their identity as a fan. Although Williams was directing the statement to television series, it can also relate to my team since there are seasons where the team’s performance is top notch, and in some seasons, the team performs poorly. In cases where the team performs poorly, the fans are disappointed and often lose the desire to continue bein...
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