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Advertising journal critique. The Advertisement Practices for Coca-Cola Company

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Advertisements are usually created with the idea of ensuring that businesses are able to create a market for their products and that they are able to increase their clientele for their new products, existing, or even the products being launched. In this study, the main focus is to critique the advert done by Coca-Cola company, and which was done by the A to Z Video Clips (2014), under the name, “Coca-Cola New ad - Commercial life Song about Parenting”. In this study, the focus shall be on creating a critique for the journal which shall cover various sections such as: the theories of advertisements, the advertising principles, the advertisement practices for Coca-Cola company, why I chose the advert, the presentation of the advert and its impact and whether it had a positive or negative impact, whether it was successful or not in passing the intended message, and whether it was conducted in the appropriate or inappropriate manner. Other areas to be covered include: what done well, and what should have been changed and finally, the communication theories used to support the above opinion.
Theories of Advertisements
Advertisements in the modern world are placed in various categories, and a majority of the adverts need to conform to a certain theory of advertisement. According to the study, “Advertising theory: Re-conceptualizing the building blocks”, by Xiaoli Nan and Ronald J. Faber (2004), there are four major types of theories used in the advertisement processes. Some of the major models used in advertisement include the Market response models, Hierarchy-of-effects, Persuasive hierarchy model, and Low-involvement hierarchy, among other major platforms, which have diversified effects on each model (Brinol et al., 2015). In the advert, “Coca-Cola New ad - Commercial life Song about Parenting”, by A to Z Video Clips (2014), there are various aspects which have been put into consideration, with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of the advert, such as: the consideration for the video trustworthiness, Pathos and logos, the Repetition and the explicit conclusion, proper production coordination, as well as the moderation in the whole process.
Advertising Principles
Every advert should be based on certain and specific advertising principles, which are used to show the ethical factors within the general production. Abdullah Özkan (2015), in the text, “Importance of Ethical Principles in Advertising and Board of Advertisement’s Function as a Method of Administrative Control”, puts into consideration the issues of principles in the advertising business, and thus gives various principles which should be observed during the advertisement process. The first principle of advertising states that all adverts should contain the truth, and have ethical consideration, for the sake of the customers. All adverts should also be in a position to enhance the high level of personal ethics and accountability, for the customers as well as the general public (Armstrong, 2011). The advert, “Coca-Cola New ad - Commercial life Song about Parenting”, by A to Z Video Clips (2014), has put into consideration a majority of the principles in the advert, and also considered the manner in which the message is passed to the clients.
The Advertisement Practices for Coca-Cola Company
Each and every company in the world has its own way or system of advertising its products, and thus, it is usually upon the company to choose which methods it would like to use in advertising its products and services. For many years, the Coca-Cola Company has used some of the most effective methods of advertising its products across the world. According to Michael Ba Banutu-Gomez (2012), in the text, “Coca-Cola: International Business Strategy for Globalization”, the Coca-Cola Company has remained as one of major soft drink production, marketing and distribution channels across the world because of strategies it uses for its differentiation process, advertisements, distribution as well as the labor management processes. The advert, “Coca-Cola New ad - Commercial life Song about Parenting”, by A to Z Video Clips (2014), has observed some of the major strategies used by Coca-Cola Company, such as the use of music and family setups to create its adverts and also enhance the effectiveness in the creation of the advert.
Why I Chose the Advert
There are various reasons why I chose the advert, “Coca-Cola New ad- Commercial life Song about Parenting”, by A to Z Video Clips (2014). First, the advert is very touching and has a major representation of the normal lives of the people across the world. There are various issues which have been presented in the video. First, there is the man and the lady, whose happiness has been kindled by the fact that the lady is pregnant. The man jumps in joy, and kisses the lady. Wit...
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