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Face-to-Face Communication

Essay Instructions:

Unit 1 Assignment:

Observe three face-to-face interactions (minimum length 3 minutes) between two men, two women and man and a woman. Look for similarities and differences in verbal and nonverbal communication. Which elements (gender, age, race, culture) do you believe influenced these interactions the most? Please also provide information in regards to the observable behaviors utilizing DISC to describe their observable behaviors. Describe each interview in a detailed paragraph, and then analyze them accordingly. Your analysis should be no less than two pages and no more than three.

All Unit assignments (including in-class assignments) must be typed and presented in Times New Roman, 12 point, double spaced, with 1 inch document margins. Assignments not presented in this format will be returned for resubmission and the grade will be reduced by 10%.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Face-to-Face Communication
Author Name
University Name
Conversation means the informal discussion among the members of a particular group. When a person shares his ideas, opinions, thoughts, and views, he automatically becomes a part of the discussion group. Face-to-face interaction is considered the best way to convey one’s message. In this method, the information sender and receiver can exchange their views fairly and freely and can conclude the discussion by agreeing on a specific point. The previous week, I had a chance to interview three of my close friends, one of them was a man (Smith), and the two were women (Julia and Anna). The topic of discussion was “should coeducation be promoted.
According to Smith, coeducation must be promoted since it allows male and female students to know each other closely and develop a strong friendship. In countries like the United States, Canada, and England, there is no room for gender inequality, which means healthcare and educational facilities are made available to everyone. Smith then shed light on the advantages of coeducation, claiming that it helps girls get rid of the fear of talking to boys. A large number of females studying at different schools, colleges and universities find it impossible to interact with male students because they belong to backward parts of the country. By promoting coeducation, these girls can be helped boost their confidence to an extent.
Julia was of the view that coeducation should not be promoted as it gives rise to unethical activities and encourages students to develop personal feelings for the opposite gender. For example, if a few female students have just joined a class of male students, the chance is that those male students will get easily attracted toward their female class-fellows and may force them to build a relationship. These kinds of interactions distract the attention of students from their studies and eventually ruin their entire life. Sometimes the same group of students may get involved in some unethical activities like committing murder, rape, and others.
Anna is the person I consider the wisest in our group of four, so her answer was a way different and better than both Smith and Julia. Anna stated that coeducation has its distinct advantages and disadvantages. In the rural areas where there is an insufficient number of schools and colleges, coeducation becomes a necessity. Parents unwillingly send their girls and boys to the same school. In such a situation, coeducation may develop mutual understanding and respect, but the things can go wrong if male and female students get emotionally attached to each other. The issue of teenage pregnancy is more common in institutions where coeducation is allowed and promoted than the schools and colleges where male and female students study in separate campuses.
Similarities and Differences in Verbal an...
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