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Expectancy Violation Theory (EVT)

Essay Instructions:

Intro to Communication


Expectancy Violation Theory (EVT); Social Exchange Theory in relationships; or Relational Dialectic (pick one)

You should:

1) Briefly review all the major sections of a research article (rationale, methods, results and discussion) on either: EVT; Social Exchange Theory in relationships; or Relational Dialectic (pick one). The research piece (Human experimental only) must be taken from a communication journal (or related field) and cited using APA style (in-text and reference page). Use a library database to find the article. Make sure the journal is available first (in full text).

Use AT LEAST 3 sources.

2) Provide a mass media example of this “concept” in action. For example, if the study you pick deals with EVT and dating, this section and the following should have nothing to do with dating. "You" must provide logical support for how this example is in line with the communication concept. Don’t use examples from the research piece you reviewed or examples of the connection made by others on the internet. Your example should be taken from popular culture (books, films, commercials, billboards, Internet). i.e. you must provide enough detail about the example to make it clear how the example fits the concept you pick. Make sure you address all the context levels clearly, richly and directly. You need to make the connection to the example. (Cited in APA in-text and References)

3) Provide a specific “Personal” and “interpersonal” (happen to you, for real, with someone you are close with) example of this concept being used. Provide logical support for how this example is in line with the communication concept. Make sure you address all the context levels in that interaction clearly, richly and directly.

Papers will be graded based on:

Clarity of writing.


Quality of examples and support.

Organization (Intro, thesis, body, clear transitions and conclusion).

Logic in drawing conclusions.

Writing quality.

The study picked should be: peer-reviewed, experimental, from the proper database, published, from communication or closely related field, a theory that is assigned is a major part of the study.

The rationale for why the study is being done is clearly articulated with multiple cited examples from the study. Examples are provided from prior research that informs the researchers choice to conduct the study.

All 5 levels of context are clearly addressed with rich details and specific elements that color the communication interaction are provided, the context described is a single communication interaction.

A strong argument is made for how the behavior in the Personal/IP section link to the theory and all of the major principles of the theory, the example is a different context than the study, specific details from the Personal/IP example are provided, to help illuminate the link to the theory.

The paper must be double-spaced, typed, and may not exceed 3.5 pages, excluding title page and references (using a 12pt. font, times new roman, 1inch margins all around). Place your name, ID and page numbers on the running head. Use APA style for the whole paper. Early papers will be accepted. If you have any questions please let me know. Only DOC or .DOCX files accepted.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Expectancy Violation Theory
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Expectancy Violation Theory
Expectancy violations theory mainly explains and predicts the impacts of nonverbal behavior or traits violations portrayed mostly on interpersonal communication results like credibility, smooth interactions, persuasion, and attraction. It is one of the important theories in understanding nonverbal behaviors and attitudes. Notably, positive violations are perceived to predict more favorable outcomes, while negative ones bring about less favorable results or outcomes. In this case, human interactions are more strongly administered by some expectations. They may arouse and trigger an appraisal process by any chance they are violated. In this case, the essay highlights how Expectancy Violation Theory and the significance of this theory at the interpersonal level, including interactions.
Expectancy Violations Theory (EVT) was initially formulated for the communicative impacts of proxemics violation, which occurs during group and interpersonal interaction. Burgoon (2015), one of the ancient anthropologists, designated that proxemics is typically one of the dimensions of the cultures that are hidden and used universally. EVT has assisted a lot in reconciling all those conflicting views or opinions of proxemics connected to human interactions. Some factors, such as social norms, contribute a lot to solving issues arising from interactions. Other factors include expectations that humans have or expect, which mainly is connected to social norms.
A good example of this is from the movie, "Pay it Forward," whereby a young boy goes ahead against those norms which have been there. The young boy invites some homeless men inside his home, and those men return the favor to the other three unexpected folks. This is the opposite of many people's expectations since we don't expect the young boy to invite homeless people into his home. Moreover, people don't expect homeless men to return the favor to three unexpected folks since that is against the social norms.
Various methods have been used, and many hypotheses have been produced and tested in various areas, including field experiments and laboratories. EVT has been evolving, although it has been applied to other personal behaviors, including body lean, touch, and larger constellations which consist of nonverbal behaviors. Constellations typically express immediacy and, finally, involvement. According to the research, nonverbal violations typically create more attention and, in most cases, create a great orientation response. Moreover, it's better verbal than nonverbal violation since it often changes many responses relative to many confirmations. Desirable and bette...
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