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Digital Media Types and Digital Analytics Concept

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Some of the main key takeaways that I learned from Chapter 1 is that there are many different ways that data can fuel strategy initiatives across enterprises. The examples that Chapter 1 discusses our business strategy and data strategy. Business strategy is essential because companies can pull consumer and industry data to learn how to market products to their target audience. Data strategy helps businesses focus on what’s important and ultimately helps them manage data as an asset. Along with business and data strategy, I also learned more about communication and media strategies. Communication strategies ensure a business sends the right messages to its target audience. Media strategy primarily revolves around creating a plan to communicate with the target audience on social media. Although I had previously learned these concepts, chapter 1 covered new concepts including a discussion on digital media types (PESO). Another key component I learned about in Chapter 1 was web analytics, such as dashboard and advanced segmentation.
The book comprehensively covers concepts related to digital analytics concept in Chapter 2. At the beginning of the chapter, the book briefly discusses social metrics and divides them into two groups. Metrics can be generally defined as data points that inform a company how its channel is doing regarding engagement. Owned social metrics are related to any social channel a company uses to promote its brand or product. An example of owned social metrics would be total likes and reach on Facebook or retweets and shares on Twitter. I discovered that there are several things that communicators should focus on when conducting digital marketing analytics, including known and unknown branded keywords, total visits, average search position, and total conversions from known keywords. Communicators must know the words commonly associated with the brand, the total visits to the business’s web analytics platform, the volume of conversions from identified keywords, and where the business ranks in search engine results. Something that the book mentions and which I have noticed are that Snapchat is offering paid media opportunities to brands and influencers. This is another way companies can gain insights into how their brand is doing. Earned social metrics relate to conversations in private correspondences that push the brand to new fans or followers. I learned that these metrics are easier to understand and collect since they are nearly similar to the owned social metrics. However, earned social media metrics differ from other metrics because instead of analyzing the higher-level page performance (subscribers, likes, and followers), communicators focus on post-level data (share per post, comments, and likes per post). An example of this could be a friend mentioning a brand or product in their story or if someone visits your store and they mention you.
Chapter 2 of the book also taught me web data, particularly the metrics used in web analytics. Website data ...
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