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Cultural Identities & Values

Essay Instructions:

1. Interview someone about his or her experiences with others of diverse culture. (e.g. My son Cory, who is a sophomore at Liberty High School. He has expressed how high school kids tend to cluster with those of their own ethnicity, almost like segregation by choice.)

2. Design four main questions to ask this person, two from each chapter of our readings for this session. use these questions: Based in your experiences with other cultures, how do you perceive the role of masculinity and femininity in contrast to the American society?

The United States values individualism highly, could you please describe your experiences with a person of a country that values collectivism highly?

Each individual has different identities based on race, ethnicity, and gender among others, please provide an example of how people from other cultures value their identity based on their ethnicity.

Have you ever met someone that has migrated to the United States? If so, please provide an example on how this person’s identity has evolved based on their interaction with our culture? 

3. Write a summation of his or her responses to each question posed. Ask him or her to provide examples, stories, etc. for support.

4. Draw a conclusion from his or her responses about how cultural diversity can be seen today.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Identities & Values
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
My classmate Tony is an American citizen who has a part time job in a popular restaurant near our school. Ever since he started working there, Tony has interacted with different people from different cultures in the world. I interviewed him a while ago about his experiences with people from diverse cultures. This is what he had to say;
Question A:
According to Tony, most people he has met from non-American culture do not identify with equality between the roles of males and females in the society. As a result, they view masculine attributes and feminine attributes to be quite distinct from each other. Masculinity dictates what femininity is according to their opinion and as a result, females are not allowed to indulge male tendencies. In contrast to the American gender freedoms, most other cultures Tony has experienced prefer that a line of distinction is maintained. He gives an example of a foreign female friend who refused to wear a pair of trousers that he bought for her during her birthday because of her cultural beliefs.
Question B:
Tony met a friend from a different country and proposed to open a partnership business with this friend as a way to earn extra money. The business involved buying second hand computers at a relatively low price and exporting working components of these devices to his friend’s country and selling them at a profit due to their scarcity in that country. When his friend noticed that Tony was bound to make profits of up to 85 per cent, he withdrew. His reason for withdrawal was that his culture and his people considered making profits of over 50 per cent wrong and selfish. His friend forfeited an individual opportunity to make profits due to the collective business mind-set of his culture (Moran, 2014).
Question C:
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