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Comprehensive Methodology Plan

Essay Instructions:

Hi there,

I have recently been assigned a research assignment on the topic: HR Professionals and Managers' Perspectives on the Use of Social Media & its Impact in the Workplace.

The instructions are as follows:

(15%) (Length expectation: ~1000 words)

With this assignment, you will develop a comprehensive methodology plan. This plan will be your roadmap to implementing your research later on. Thus, it is critical that your plan is sufficiently detailed. Guidance for developing your methodology plan can be found across several study guides, such as the Week 1, Week 2, and the combined Week 5 and 6 Study Guides. Use the template provided when building your methodology plan. However, recognize that different methods may require different sections or emphases than what is provided. When building your methodology plan, you may find it helpful to review the methods section of a published academic article that uses similar methods to your own. This can help you determine whether further information may be required. As well, make sure to obtain approval from your Professor when creating your plan. Your methodology plan should be sufficiently detailed, such that a reader with research expertise could replicate your study. At a minimum, you need to address the following in your methodology plan:

- Identify your approach research/research design

(In this case, I am looking to take a quantitative approach as outlined in the "Session 1 Study Guide")

- Provide detailed information on your participants (e.g., identify the population, sample size, sampling methods, and consent procedures)

(In this case, the data is going to be collected from 8 HR professionals and 8 managers. To gather consent from all participants, I am going to be creating a consent form that the interviewees will acknowledge *see attached*)

- Describe the materials you intend to use (e.g., questionnaire, interview guide)

(In this case, I am going to use a semi-structured questionnaire)

- Provide copies of all materials in the form of an appendix (or appendices).

(In this case, please show what the questionnaire is going to look like and what types of questions will be presented... an example would be "more harm than good?" or "what problems have you come across with social media in the workplace?" etc...)

- Identify your data collection procedures

(In this case, please research and use an online resource that can be used with a Linkert scale to sent to the interviewees)

- Identify your data analysis procedures

(In this case, I will be making use of SPSS)

Everything listed in brackets is what was recommended to me from my TA- all the answers are given, I just need the research done for it and for it to be put into an assignment.

Lastly, please use as many sources as necessary, I just picked the number 10 but there is no specific number.

Please ensure questionnaire is submitted as an excel spreadsheet & analyze it as a statistical analysis.It would consist of 5-6 questions. The outcome is to identify the perspectives of HR Professionals and Managers on their views of social media and its impact on mental health in the workplace.

Let me know if I can help with anything!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
There is an exploding growth in the use of social media. Certainly, this affects business applications and communication in the workplace. The rapid evolution of social media usage has affected the field of management and Human Resources Management (HRM) (Kluemper et al., 2016). Social media applications facilitate collaboration and interactive content and sharing information. The use of social media in the workplace is highly dependent on HR professionals and managers. This research seeks to explore this concept and its impact in the workplace. It will use methods through instruments (McBurney & White, 2013). The following is an outline of the instruments.
Research Design
The research methodology will adopt descriptive research. Descriptive research aims at gaining new insights, putting forward a hypothesis, formulating a research problem, and becoming familiar with a phenomenon. This research will seek to investigate the perspectives of HR professionals and managers on the use of social media as well as the impact of their perspectives in the workplace. Using the questionnaire survey, the study will classify the participants according to their management levels and their perspective on social media users to understand the level of mental health stability in the workplace using the five point-Likert scale against the selected variables. It will help to determine the impact of their perspectives in the general workplace environment because it offers an opportunity for participants to express their attitudes (Cheng et al., 2021). In the implementation, the study will use an experimental design.
In this study, the researcher will use quantitative research. Quantitative research is based on quantifying data and generalizing the results from the sample to the population of interest (Norris et al., 2015). Specifically, it will examine the relationship between the perspective of people in managerial positions about social media and workplace mental health. In the process, it will use statistical analysis to represent their relationship.
Research Philosophy
This aspect refers to the researcher’s belief about the means of data assembly. There are two categories, which are positivist and interpretivist philosophies. On the one hand, positivists are researchers who believe that reality is stable, and can be defined from an unbiased perspective. On the other hand, interpretivism argues that intervention and comprehensive interpretation are the only factors that can lead to a full understanding of reality (Crossan, 2003). The latter suggests that the various existing interpretations of reality are a subsection of the scientific knowledge that they pursue. Often, it is used for detailed analysis of qualitative data that represents a small sample to understand the implications of the data to a larger group. Some of the well-known interpretivism include Freud, Marx, and Kant (Kumar, 2012). The former philosophy, which is the positivist philosophy, relies on the manipulation of reality with changes in a particular independent variable to result in regularities that establish relationships between them. Here, the relationships also refer to the components of the social world. Up to the 1970s, interpretive research used to be the widely known choice of research philosophy. However, afterward, the positivist tradition took over and became the norm. Some of the famously known positivists include Durkheim and Descartes (Kumar, 2012). This study will use the positivist philosophy because it uses quantitative data.
The study will have a sample size of 16. Here, the participants will comprise 8 HR profess...
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