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Assignment One: Communications And Media Picture Story Essay

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Picture Story Essay
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Communications and Media
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Picture Story Essay
Cumulatively, the pictures show the 2 sides of how people live and how people from each society live their life. The images about Htay show how much her life is different from Aung Kaung Myat who has a better living condition than her. The rich and the poor spend their days entirely disparate from each other.
Htay Beh goes to the Niagara River because she has to catch fish for dinner, and this can lead to cancer. Despite the risk, she still does it because she needs to. If she will not set out to the river to catch fish, she will not have anything to eat that night. While Aung Kaung Myat lives in a nice house with sofas, an aquarium and goes to Buffalo waterfront for leisure. He likes to take his motorboat and ride around Lake Erie in order to reward himself because he worked hard, married the right girl, and started his own business.
Htay Beh and Aung Kaung Myat both come from the same country, but they are both making Buffalo both rich and poor. Htay Beh started a new life in Buffalo, but the pictures show that she has not achieved great success yet. She fills her home with substandard items, and the photo of her living room shows that she does not have much because there are only patio chairs given to her, a utility table from Kmart and a shrine of Jesus. The neighborhood she is living in is not safe because there is a security system monitor to see if there are any burglars coming. If she is living in a quiet neighborhood, there is no need for a security monitor. Furthermore, Htay Beh needs to work during the summer to help her husband afford a plane ticket to Thailand. One photo shows that she has converted her backyard into a garden where she planted cucumbers, leafy vegetables, and corn.
Htay Beh has 6 children and they are constantly struggling to make ends meet. She and her husband do not speak English, which is a disadvantage because it means they cannot apply for higher paying jobs. Instead of playing in a safer environment, her children play in the streets because their house is not big enough for all of them to play in. However, one picture shows they are all happily helping out in the kitchen, which is a good sign of camaraderie among the children and team work.
The other photos of Riverside are about how the residents live their life there and the kind of environment they have.
Aung Kaung Myat’s photos are mostly about how he runs his business. He owns an iT Garden store located on Grant Street. The store is a place to find good cellphone deals, computer repairs, and iPads. Compared to Hyat Beh,, he had a different mindset because as soon as he got to Buffalo, he got a job in Mcdonald’s right away, then worked in a factory, and now runs his own business. His pace is fast and he had the urgency to learn English as soon as he arrived because he knows that it would help him get a better job which helped him on his way to success. In addition, it was wise for him to have an iT store because he has an IT security degree from Erie Community College. This is why he knows how to run the store, which is clearly seen in the pictures.
There is a picture of him showing assisting a customer in the store and the customer seems happy with his service. If other refugees are like him who took the initiative to learn English right away, they can find better pay...
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