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Communication and Negotiation

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment Instructions

Communication & Negotiation

Hello every one! Here are the instructions for the integration paper. (Length 5-7 pages)

Please select 5 insights from the course readings and in class activities. Integrate these insights by applying them to personal or professional conflict experiences. The papers are a way for you to express your own personal reflection of the material. They are also a way to show me you understand the material and how to apply the insights. Be creative! Have fun with this assignment. I look forward to reading your perspectives!

Start each page off with the following heading:

Your Name

Course Name: Communication and Negotiation


​​​​​​​ ​​​ Writing Assignment I

Also cut and paste this citation for the texts:


Stone, D., Patton, B., & Heen, S. (2000). Difficult conversations: How to discuss what matters most. New York, N.Y: Penguin Books.

Goleman, D. (1998). What makes a leader: Harvard Business Review, 76(6), 93-102.

• Additional references to class reading are encouraged.

(Quotes: Quotations from textbook are encouraged. Just include quotation marks and the page number in parentheses: “Example” (Nussbaum et al, p.1)).

Also include the question that you are answering in italics. Then write your response below

A) What is the specific insight and what does the author say about it?

B) Why is it significant to you? Ex: Describe how this fits in with a personal value or why it resonates with you.

C) How would you apply this insight to a personal or professional conflict? Describe conflict you have experienced where this insight is relevant. Had you known about this idea or used this approach or tool, how would it change your behavior in actual conflict situation (past, present, future)?

Please answer in complete sentences. Double spaced. 12 point font.

Here are some tips and FAQs for Writing the Questions for Analysis

Tips and FAQs

- Illustrate your brain’s interaction with the readings. Focus on ANALYSIS (not summary).

- Try and introduce the main idea of your paragraph in the first few sentences of each paragraph. This will make your paper easier to follow. It also helps the reader understand the purpose of each paragraph in the first few lines.

- Reference the readings and show me that you understand the concept in the book.

- Illustrate your knowledge of the text with details and vocabulary words when possible.

Things to AVOID:

- Do not use contractions (such as ain’t, can’t and shouldn’t).

- Do not use “a lot” in your paper.

- Do not use split infinitives, such as “to quickly run”.

- Avoid long paragraphs. (Try to create a new paragraph after 6-8 sentences).

Three Integration Papers will be required. 5-7 pages. Each of these Integration Papers will focus on Significant Insights and Application from the Readings and your application of these theories/concepts/tools to past, current, or future negotiations.

The keys to the success of these papers is to use a highlight marker as you read, and consider what is highlighted as worthy of consideration in your paper as a “Significant Insight”. From the Insights selected, how it will be assessed is:

A) What is the insight and what does the author say about it?

B) Why is it significant to you?

C) Had you known about this idea or used this approach or tool, how would it change your behavior in actual negotiation (past, present, future)?

If you follow this model, I suspect on average you would be discussing about 5 ideas, approaches, or techniques in each of the papers within your approximately 5 pages.

Updated information and additional detail is available in Canvass/ Assignments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication and Negotiation
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Communication and Negotiation
Communication is crucial in human life because it is used to pass instructions and share information and ideas. Negotiations and conflict resolution are facilitated by communication. The course content has been informative for me. I picked several insights from the course readings and lecture notes. They include the importance of grounding identity, differences and importance of culture and co-culture, integrative negotiation, abandoning blame, and the importance of emotional intelligence awareness.
What is the specific insight and what does the author say about it?
The first insight I got from course readings is the importance of grounding my identity. Stone et al. (2000) explain that grounding identity is being cautious about conversations and knowing how to react depending on the context. People sometimes become vulnerable during conversations by falling into either the know-it-all-state or know-nothing category. Specifically, the author outline three ways that help one ground their identity; Accepting the truth about oneself, admitting one’s weaknesses and failures, and ensuring one’s intentions are complex.
Why is it significant to you? Ex: Describe how this fits in with a personal value or why it resonates with you.
I engage in daily conversations about different topics. Despite having adverse knowledge on various issues after attaining college-level education, I acknowledge that I may not know other things. Grounding my identity is important because it helps me in conversations. I do not add value because of little knowledge or being in the company of more superior and experienced people than me. Knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial, as when to walk away from a conversation that would embarrass me.
How would you apply this insight to a personal or professional conflict? Describe conflict you have experienced where this insight is relevant. Had you known about this idea or used this approach or tool, how would it change your behavior in actual conflict situation (past, present, future)?
Grounding my identity is crucial in my personal and professional life. I will use it to keep conversations professional and positive. This insight caught my attention because of an experience where I did not ground my identity and ended up embarrassed. I was discussing the resignation of the former UK prime minister Boris Johnson. I had not read in the news that he had resigned, and I kept my position in the discussion despite my friend assuring me that he had resigned. I later learned that he had resigned. If I had grounded my identity, I would not have been embarrassed before my friends, who listened silently to our conversation.
What is the specific insight and what does the author say about it?
The second insight I have learned from the course materials is culture and co-culture and their differences. According to Salacuse (1998), culture is a set of shared and long-lasting values, meanings, and beliefs that characterize ethnic, national, and other groups and guides their behavior. The author also differentiates co-culture as a group within a group like the LGBTQ. Co-culture affects how people communicate.
Why is it significant to you? Ex: Describe how this fits in with a personal value or why it resonates with you.
Differentiating culture and co-culture and how they affect communication are significant to me. I interact with people of different cultures and co-cultures in school, and at home in the community I live. Learning how co-culture affects communication helps me interact with people from certain co-culture, like LGBTQ, to ensure I do not annoy them unknowingly. It also guides me throughout my negotiation process by using the right vocabulary and references that create rapport instead of breaking it.
How would you apply this insight to a personal or professional conflict? Describe conflict you have experienced where this insight is relevant. Had you known about this idea or used this approach or tool, how would it change your behavior in actual conflict situation (past, present, future)?
Knowledge of culture and co-culture is crucial for my personal and professional conflict. First, I acknowledge that some conflicts arise due to cultural differences, and knowing about other cultures helps solve these conflicts. I had never interacted with the LGBTQ community, and one day I entered into a heated conversation about how immoral they are. The person was so mad, telling me not to judge because they had their reason. I later learned that they identify themselves using dress codes. I would have handled the issues differently if I had known about culture ...
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