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Credibility, Attractiveness, and Persuasiveness in Designing Campaigns

Essay Instructions:

During your chosen week, write a reaction paper that shows your ability to dissect the literature and synthesize and apply the findings, with the purpose being for you to gain some practice for your Final Paper. The paper should contain the following: (a) title page, (b) body, and (c) reference list.


Ensure the body has the following sections:

Introduction: Explain the importance of your paper topic (i.e., who can use the paper and how) and provide a roadmap that previews the rest of the paper. This section should set the context through which your reader should interpret the information you present in your summary section.

Summary: Select 3 main concepts from the readings; you may choose only 3. For each concept, write 1-2 paragraphs that define and explain the concept, drawing from and citing your assigned readings. Overall, this section should demonstrate that you have done the readings and that you understand the concepts you have chosen. This section should set the context for the application section.

Application: Apply the concepts to the design of a campaign; for instance, talk about examples of how the concepts have been used in the real world (e.g., in an advertisement, brochure, press release, website), or discuss how you would use the concepts for a project at work or your final paper. Do not merely summarize your readings. Ensure each application idea links back to at least one summary concept. The use of applications must be cohesive and the concepts chosen must work coherently together. You do not have to cite your readings. Overall, this section should demonstrate that you can use the concepts you have chosen.

Follow APA style. Your paper should be no less than 4 and no more than 5 pages double-spaced (not including the title page and reference list). I will enforce the page limit and will not read past the fifth page.

Reaction Paper Rubric:


The introduction section explains the importance of the paper topic (i.e., who can use the paper and how) and provides a roadmap that previews the rest of the paper. 3


The summary section presents 3 main concepts, defining and explaining them while drawing from the assigned readings. 9


The application section applies the concepts to the design of a campaign. Each application idea links back to at least one summary concept. 9

APA style

Paper correctly uses APA style. 4


Writing is free of errors in grammar and syntax, is concise, and can be readily understood by readers without their having to re-read. 5

Total 30

Reading and Resources :

Cialdini, R.B. (2021), Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (New and Expanded). New York, NY: Harper Business, Chapter 3, Liking, The Friendly Thief, pp.73-125.

Cialdini, R.B. (2021), Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (New and Expanded). New York, NY: Harper Business, Chapter 5, Authority, Directed Deference, pp. 199-240.

Gass & Seiter, Chapter 4, pp. 74-93.

Aronson, E. (2012). Mass Communication, Propaganda, and Persuasion (pp. 73-84 only). In E. Aronson (Ed.), The Social Animal. New York: Worth Publishers

Tormala, Z. (2011, March). Experts are more persuasive when they're less certain. Harvard Business Review, 32-33.(https://web-p-ebscohost-com(dot)proxy1(dot)library(dot)jhu(dot)edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=f7a6bdf7-37f9-49f7-ac4a-5b4e6f629101%40redis&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPWlwLHNoaWImc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZlJnNjb3BlPXNpdGU%3d#AN=58555673&db=bsu)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Credibility, Attractiveness, and Persuasive Communication
Author’s Name
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Credibility, Attractiveness, and Persuasive Communication
People react to messages since they are persuaded. In that light, it is important to focus on three primary concepts, including credibility, attractiveness, and persuasive communication. These are the things that capture the attention of the target audience, make the receiver spend time reading the message or watching a video ad, and contribute to taking a respective action. The paper discusses how the concepts of persuasive communication, credibility, and attractiveness foster the creation of a highly convincing campaign. The summary section defines and explains these concepts based on what I have learned from the course readings. The application part portrays how attractiveness, persuasive communication, and credibility have been or can be used when designing campaigns. Here, an individual can understand the significance of these concepts and be able to create highly persuading campaigns. Therefore, credibility, persuasiveness, and attractiveness are crucial things that should be emphasized when designing campaigns.
Credibility entails the receiver’s judgment about the communicator’s believability and authenticity. In other words, the message source significantly determines whether receivers are persuaded or not. Credibility is usually a receiver-based construct (Gass & Seiter, 2011). Indeed, it exists in the beholder’s eyes. For instance, a group of women leaders can find Hillary Clinton credible when presenting challenges that females encounter in political leadership in a male-dominated society. However, Clinton cannot be credible to a group of male leaders if she presents the same topic. Credibility is a contextual or situational phenomenon (Gass & Seiter, 2011). The communicator’s qualities in a specific situation might make the person a credible presenter, but when the setting changes the same individual might not be perceived as credible. In addition, credibility is dynamic. As such, it can fluctuate from one context to another, from time to time, and from one audience to the other. The credibility of a source can change during a presentation or advertisement. For example, if a communicator starts by portraying a good mastery of the concept presented and toward the middle the person loses that quality, the target audience might not perceive such an individual as credible.
Persuasive Communication
Zakary Tormala, a social psychologist at Stanford Business School, asserts that a message cannot be passed to the target audience without the communicator’s being persuasive. In most cases, confident experts are used to persuading a specific audience during campaigns (Tormala, 2011). The communicator must show mastery of the subject presented. Specifically, persuasive communication refers to an organized and sustained attempt to influence a specific group of individuals through messages or advertisements (Stiff & Mongeau, 2003). Successful persuasive communication campaigns are usually goal-driven and can be used to meet multiple goals. For instance, if one wants to create a persuasive campaign to convince young people aged from 18 to 28 years to avoid distracted driving, it would be good to refer to incidents in the recent past that convince the target audience to stop engaging in the act. Based on the social cognitive theory, individuals acquire new behaviors by observing others going through a direct experience (Stiff & Mongeau, 2003). As such, a vivid picture should be created in the mind of the target audience so that they can understand the adverse consequences of distracted driving.
Communicator’s Attractiveness
Physical attractiveness is another crucial concept that an individual has learned on how it affects the receiver’s understanding or acceptance of the message during campaigns. In most cases, good-looking individuals have an advantage or appear more convincing than unattractive people in social interaction. Social scientists call this phenomenon the halo effect. Specifically, a halo effect posits how a single p...
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