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Communication and Information Management Media Essay

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Provide short answers of 100 to 200 words for each of the following questions:


  • What seven trends characterize modern mass media? Explain which trend has the greatest effect on society today?

  • How do the functional and critical and cultural approaches to mass communications effect advertising decisions?

  • How does media technology affect culture and society today? How has media technology influenced older forms of communication?

  • What are the differences between advertising and propaganda? Differentiate between advertising strategy and promotion strategy.


Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.


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Communication and Information Management
Student's Name
Communication and Information Management
Mass media's invention has helped reach out to many people and make the world a global village. With the help of other technological advancements, the mass media's main aim is to bring people together and share resources. Modern mass media is seen to be more advanced since it has brought many trends in mass communication. The contemporary mass media trends include the internet, social media sites (Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, and many others), artificial intelligence, smartphones, smart televisions, websites, and radios. These modern social media trends have their effects on society. For example, artificial intelligence is a new way of advertising and predicting changes that may occur in the future. According to many research types, the internet has the most significant impact on society since almost everything nowadays requires an internet connection.
Bello (2014) explains the functional, critical, and cultural approaches and how they affect the mass communication advertising decisions. The operational strategy focuses on how the audience uses mass communication and the advantages of mass media consumption; it focuses on why people watch the show? Do they learn anything from the show? Or do they talk about the show? This helps the advertisers learn more about if their advert is being received or not. The critical and cultural approaches focus on examining the relationships in the media exposures. At the same time, it stresses the interpretations and meanings, such as checking if an advertisement glorifies competition over competition or whether the show portrays capitalism.
In the world today, people have become technology-driven. According to Land (2017), culture refers to shared values, attitudes, and how people relate socially, politically, and economically. Technology has helped improve the communication culture by creating platforms that help people socialize easily and grow economically. Like social media sites, these inventions have made ...
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