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Collective Memory and Nostalgia

Essay Instructions:

During this week, we will discuss the implications of collective memory and nostalgia for contemporary enactments of fandom. How do “our shows” or “our team” get coconstructed as such over years of fandom, especially if co-viewing or co-fandom get woven into the fabric of family and relational life? During this week, you should (1) read the assigned readings AS WELL AS at least ONE of the optional readings, (3) watch a television show or movie that sparks special memories, and (4) Blackboard prompt: Based on your experiences, readings, and reflections, please describe how shared memories and sense of nostalgia impact your reactions to and interpretations of the favorite television show or movie that you watched for class. In addition to your post.

To be completely clear, in order to get full credit for discussion board participation, you MUST (a) respond to the prompt, (b) refer to ALL assigned weekly readings, plus one optional reading


Beck, C. S. (2012). Intersecting narratives: Enjoying daytime drama as viewers (and actors)

experience the days of their lives. Communication Studies, 63, 152-171.

Do Rozario, R. (2004). The princess and the Magic Kingdom: Beyond nostalgia, the function of

the Disney princess. Women’s Studies in Communication, 27, 34-59.

Hume, J. (2010). Memory matters: The evolution of scholarship in collective memory and mass

communication. Review of Communication, 10, 181-196.

Koh, W. (2009). Everything old is good again. Myth and nostalgia in Spider-Man. Journal of

Media & Cultural Studies, 23, 735-747.

van Dijck, J. (2004). Mediated memories: personal cultural memory as object of cultural

analysis. Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 18, 261-277.

Von Burg, R., & Johnson, P. (2009). Yearning for a past that never was: Baseball, steroids, and

the anxiety of the American dream. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 26, 351-371.

Williams, R. (2011). “This is the night TV died:” Television post-object fandom and the demise

of The West Wing. Popular Communication, 9, 266-279

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
Collective memory plays a critical role in the modern age of television and media (Beck, 2012). This is purposely because it provides avid fans with an opportunity to not only share experiences related to their preferred media piece together, but also influences the trajectory that the show in question takes (Hume, 2010). At the same time, it is important to note that the interpretations of and reactions to one’s favorite television show can easily be influenced by fandom and particularly so when collective memory and nostalgia are involved.
Having watched the popular sitcom Friends for this class, it was apparent that collective memory and nostalgia have significantly influenced and changed the way in which I interpret the show as well as react to it (van Dijck, 2004). This show became one of my favorite shows ever based on the fact that it was quite interesting with well-written and perfectly executed comedy. I hardly ever paid critical attention to the concurrent plots within the show. Because of this, I always had a sense of nostalgia that this show was all about the jokes, which I considered to be extremely funny (Williams, 2011). While I was aware of how the plot eventually ended up, sharing my experiences with other avid Friends fans online and in person sign...
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