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Communication Among Cultures: Americans and Buddhism

Essay Instructions:

Cultural Immersion Assignment: This assignment requires you to conduct a mini-ethnography, which will include participating/observing in a distinct cultural reality for a set period of time.  Ethnography is the most commonly utilized research methodology in cultural anthropology (anthropology is the formal name for the discipline that focuses on the study of cultural life among humans and non-humans).  In simple words, this is a “culture-watching” assignment that requires you to participate/observe in a context that you are unfamiliar with. Once you have done so, you will “write-up” a report on what you saw and induced from this participation. 

What you need to do the step by step:

1. Pick a culture. I am defining culture broadly here but pick a particular group of people that are unfamiliar to you. For example, you could visit a park and watch children (just don’t be creepy), you could go to a coffee shop and watch the patrons, or you could attend a cultural event. But, use this as an opportunity to learn about a group different than your own. Meaning, as college students you should not be observing a bar or sitting in an OU class because that is often familiar to you.

2. Observe that culture for a period of time. I suggest that you spend at least 6-8 hours observing, but you could spend more time doing your observations. These observations can occur all in one sitting or broken up into smaller chunks. The goal here is to learn as much as you can about the culture you are observing- so do what makes sense for you.

3. Write up what you saw.

What the “write up” should include:

1. A 1-2 page summary and description of which culture you picked, why you picked it, and what you saw during your observations. In this section, I want you to summarize and describe your observations. Essentially, answer the question, “what was happening?” You can explain the context you are situated in, the people, the smells, the sights, the sounds. Be detailed enough so that I know you did the assignment.

2. A 1-3 page explanation of how various aspects of culture (race, gender, class, sexuality, age, ability, etc.) were present in your observations. Here, I really want to you to reflect on what you saw and how it relates to the material in the class. Because you are picking your culture, I cannot say, “focus on race” or “only talk about religion”; therefore, it will be up to you to decide on which aspects of the class are most prevalent in your observations.

3. A 1-2 page reflection and conclusion. In short, I want you to reflect on your experiences. What did you learn about the culture you chose to observe? What was challenging? What was surprising? Were you left with any questions?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication Among Cultures
Student’s name
There has been a great increase in Buddhism over the past years, a phenomenon that cannot be ignored. For a very long time, there has been neglect in studies on this unique and intriguing culture. On choosing to observe this wonderful culture, I thought that it is time that modern ethnography focuses on it and enlighten people on its culture and way of life. With the significant increase of Buddhist followers over the past years, understanding their sources of inspiration makes studying Buddhism an interesting process.
I conducted participant observation with a group of Buddhists who were meditating. The group, follows Tick Nat Hattan’s Buddhist ideologies. According to Tick’s book, meditation is not all about strict rules and people could meditate on chairs or even walk while meditating. During the session, I learned that there are unique perspectives in the American Buddhism that are non-religious and therapeutic. It’s the use of Buddha practices to improve oneself like walking while meditating and bowing to each other. After the meditation session ended, they did not only bow to the Buddha statue but to each other.
This unique and dynamic ritual was in line with the universal view that Americans are proponents of equality and individuality. In the mediation rooms, I observed that additional cushions were provided for people to sit on, a unique element. Practicing meditating while walking was used to help American beginners learn how to meditate. There was distinct silence, to help with concentration when meditating. We were advised to focus on our breath and avoid any thoughts while walking.
After reading Tick Hattan’s words out loud, meditation began, but we sat on chairs and walked for an hour. We did not sit on the floor, the traditional meditation pose. The words were appreciating life and it was read out in a calm tone and simple sentences. After the session, there is a myriad of activities that take place. People have tea and interact, there is chanting and dancing. The two hours activity was the most enjoyable moment. A lady led the chanting and the dance session, she said that taking part in the activities was good for the mind as it helped in cleaning it.
Cultural aspects observed
Unlike the common stereotypes of how Buddhist are suppose to live like monks, wearing swaddling clothes the American Buddhism has evolved and morphed and become distinct this is most likely influenced by the environment. I observed that there are some norms that Buddhists hold dear to their hearts. Respect is a core value of the Buddhist irrespective of the social class, gender or race. I was astounded when they bowed at me too after the mediation.
The respect can be seen on how they attend to the visitors and accorded the warmth was also heartwarming. Comparing the handling of strangers by the Buddhist with how in the modern world, people relate with strangers I realized that these virtues are instilled through the teachings and practices. The desire of Americans to find spiritual and mental fulfillment has seen to these practices and rituals impact positively on the ever-changing and changing values and lifestyle of the people.
Buddhism tends to encourage sobriety, compassion, and discipline, mercantile and literate individuals. These values spread widely can have a positive influence in the communities. Looked from a social change perspective, it can be theorized that Buddhist morality is the driving force for the massive adoption of Buddhism as a religion and philosophy. I noted that the men and women are treated equally and there was no sense of discrimination over individuals due to their gender. Women are allowed to lead prayer sessions and take part in the divine activities with men. I was informed that Lotus Sutra teaches the Buddhist that every living being is equal in the world of Buddhahood and denying a woman enlightenment would deny them the chance of attaining there Buddhahood.
According to Buddhism, there are distinct roles of men and women. ...
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