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Benefits of Playing First-Person Shooting Games on a Person’s Cognitive Abilities

Essay Instructions:

Now that you have conducted research (represented by the annotated bibliography in Assignment #1), narrowed your research question and presented drafts of two thesis statements (Assignment #2), you will develop a plan for your essay and an introduction to your essay.

You will submit the following:

A plan for your essay

A draft introduction to your essay

The aim of this assignment is to further prepare you for writing a research-based essay. You will incorporate the feedback you received from your TA for Assignments #1 and #2 and develop a plan for your essay (see details below regarding the requirements) as well as an introductory paragraph.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Benefits of Playing First-Person Shooting Games on a Person’s Cognitive Abilities
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
February 27, 2019
       I.            Essay Plan

  1. a.      Topic – The topic that I selected for this research is the benefits of playing first-person shooting games on an individual’s cognitive abilities. A lot of people believe that playing games are beneficial for entertainment purposes, yet detrimental in terms of productivity. In contrast to this, some of the inherent advantages, although well-researched, of playing such games are not as popular as its disadvantages. Thus, this research would focus on its advantages particularly when it comes to a person’s cognitive abilities.  

  2. Research Question – “What are the effects and advantages of people who play first person violent video games such as PUBG on brain cognitive abilities?”

Thesis statement - The first person violent video games have positive impacts on player’s brain cognitive abilities because of these kinds of game develop different control strategies to cope at fast moving scenes,thus,improving attention and reaction time

  1. c.       Essay Outline

                                                              i.      Introduction 

  1. 1.      Statistics on Number of Gamers 

  2. 2.      Demographics about Gaming 

                                                            ii.      Common misconceptions about Gaming 

  1. 1.      Negative Effects of Gaming in a person’s psychology  

                                                          iii.      Benefits of Gaming to a Person’s Cognitive Abilities 

  1. 1.      Memory (Clemenson & Stark, 2015) 

  2. 2.      Cognitive Flexibility (Colzato et al., 2010) 

  3. 3.      Attention and executive control (Boot et al., 2008) 

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