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Background paper

Essay Instructions:
Help me modify and expand the essay according to the requirements Expansion requirements Attitudes and behavior: Present no more than 2 attitudes and no more than 1 behavior specific your intended audience and sponsor. Justify your decisions with theory or research. Setting and Channels: Specify no more than 2 different settings (contexts i.e. school, park, highway, home, etc). Define the channels to be used in the execution of your campaign and categorize these channels as interpersonal, group, or mass communication channels. Analysis should consider any necessary inclusionary and access aspects of the campaign. Justify your decisions with theory or research.The reference list should continue to grow as you develop this Final project paper. IN addition to the sources used in Background Paper 1. Add identify at least 3 primary research sources found on your own, if you need additional primary data. Follow APA style. Your paper with the content for Backgrounds 1 and 2 should be 4-6 pages double-spaced (not including the title page and reference list). Modification requirements Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous (YPAA), - good selection in a sponsor - please add and quote, cite the mission. You are to identify ONE specific behavior that is measureable by the SPONSOR . Changing minds and attitudes is part the processes but you must go to the next step of a measurable behavior outcome. check the definition of an adolescent and cite - apply more data around this target audience. What is well-being."? physical /psychological - and how is that measurable and in what cultural context? You have a great start on this but I challenge you to dig deeper. I also want to see more demographics. The legal age to drink may be a dividing point to 12-20 years olds. I don't why you don't mention and research this legal? driving age too. I struggle to see why 12-20 . Stay focused on the mission you sponsor. looking at 12-20 in one study is ok - I think AA may have a concern for the legal implications and connections in its programming Please use APA 7th edition style for student papers
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Protection of Adolescents – Campaigns to Combat Alcoholism and Promote Well-Being Your name Subject and Section Professor’s Name March 5, 2024 The World Health Organization emphasizes that excessive alcohol consumption is a significant health challenge, with approximately 3 million deaths attributed to alcohol abuse annually, accounting for 5.1% of the global total mortality rate in 2021. It is undeniable that alcohol abuse has detrimental effects on individuals. Alcohol consumption, especially excessive drinking, not only directly leads to over 30 different diseases but also indirectly exacerbates various other health hazards, such as neurological and psychiatric disorders, cancer, infectious diseases, and intentional and unintentional injuries, among others (Rehm, 2011). Additionally, long-term alcohol abuse can trigger alcohol-related mental disorders, manifested through excessive drinking or the loss of control over alcohol intake (Carvalho et al., 2019). Of particular concern is the impact of excessive alcohol consumption on adolescents, as their developmental stage renders them more susceptible to the adverse effects of alcohol abuse. Studies have shown that alcohol abuse during early adolescence can adversely affect brain development and cognitive function (Chung et al., 2018). Therefore, the importance of adolescent alcohol cessation for their personal well-being and social development is indisputable. Goals, Objectives, and Interventions Goal The primary goal of this campaign is to safeguard the physical and mental health of adolescents by helping those with alcohol abuse behaviors abstain from alcohol. Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous (YPAA), as the sponsor of this campaign, is a specialized organization within Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) dedicated to assisting young people in overcoming alcohol addiction. YPAA brings together individuals struggling with alcohol abuse and those who have successfully overcome it to share their experiences, provide mutual encouragement, and create a positive environment for young people struggling with alcoholism to recover. Target Audience The target audience of this campaign is adolescents aged 12-20 with alcohol abuse problems. Adolescents are prone to alcohol abuse due to their physiological and psychological developmental stage. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2022) report on data, the prevalence of alcohol use among the 12-20 age group was 0.18 in the past 30 days, with an abuse rate of 0.02. Based on the data above, adolescent alcohol consumption and abuse are worthy of societal attention. Furthermore, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, adolescent alcohol exposure is 3.5 times more likely to lead to alcohol use disorder diagnoses in adulthood (SAMHSA, 2022). Therefore, timely intervention to control adolescent alcohol abuse behaviors is crucial for their health. Additionally, adolescents with antisocial issues, such as destructiveness and aggression, are more likely to consume alcohol during early adolescence (Hoover et al., 2013). Therefore, timely intervention to control adolescent alcohol abuse behaviors can also prevent more severe issues from arising later. The primary purpose of this campaign is to help adolescents with alcohol abuse behaviors abstain from alcohol, safeguarding their physical and mental health and reducing the prevalence of alcohol abuse among adolescents aged 12-20. The activities of this campaign aim to raise awareness of the hazards of adolescent alcohol abuse and improve drinking behaviors. The outcomes of this campaign will be delineated through YPAA conference records, indicating improvements in self-drinking behavior among adolescent alcohol abusers. The campaign hopes to increase societal awareness of adolescent alcohol abuse and intervene promptly to control detrimental drinking behaviors among adolescents through collaboration with local YPAA chapters. Attitudes and Behavior In order to effectively promote change and achieve the goals outlined in the preceding section, this campaign focuses on altering two critical attitudes and one specific behavior among the target audience of adolescents aged 12-20. On the one hand, the first attitude involves changing the perception of alcohol as a means of social acceptance or a rite of passage into adulthood. As manifestly evident in today's society, this notion is deeply embedded ...
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