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Ad Analysis: Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)

Essay Instructions:

For the Ad Analysis assignment, each student will produce an essay evaluating one advertisement from a specific theoretical perspective. In this paper, you will describe the ad and the theory and then apply the theory to evaluate the ad in answer to the question: is this ad likely to be persuasive? Use at least two authoritative articles to apply your chosen theory to analyze the purpose and effectiveness of that advertisement, paying attention to the source, channel (i.e., the medium, platform; surrounding content), the message (e.g., kinds of appeals it uses) and its receiver (i.e., target audience). Which aspects of the message are most important will partly depend on the chosen theory.

This assignment has collaborative and independent components, but each student is responsible to produce a full paper. Assigned peer review pairs will work together to choose one “good ad” (likely to be effective) and one “bad ad” (unlikely to be effective). Partners will also work together to decide which theory to will apply to evaluate the ads. One partner will apply the theory to evaluate the good ad” and one partner will apply the same theory to evaluate the “bad ad.” There 5 deliverables associated with this assignment.

Outline: Due in week 7

Rough draft: Due in week 11

Peer Review: Due in week 12

Final draft: Due in week 15

Team presentation: Due in week 15

In summary, you will identify and critically analyze an ad, working with a partner and independently.

You will work together to decide on a theory and two advertisements.

One of you will describe an ad that is likely to be effective, from a specific theoretical standpoint.

One of you will describe an ad that is unlikely to be effective, from the same, specific theoretical standpoint.

You will provide a peer review of your partner’s first draft and your partner will review your draft.

You will revise your draft, based on feedback, and submit a final draft.

You and your partner will present your analysis to the class, together (15 minutes per pair).

Getting started:

Get to know your partner – decide how you will communicate and work together. Exchange contact information. Plan to meet regularly. I will provide in-house collaboration time, during class. But, you will need to communicate outside of class time.

Work together with your partner to select a theory and 2 advertisements, which you will critically analyze.

Browse the theories we will cover in this course. You will need to choose a theory to apply in critically analyzing your chosen ads.

Identify an ad that is likely to be persuasive (from the standpoint of your chosen theory) and one that is not likely to be persuasive.

Your paper must address the source, message, channel and receiver, though not necessarily in that order. I offer suggestions in a sample outline to help you get going (below), but the theory you apply will lead you to emphasize some aspects over others.

Use the Outline TemplateDownload Outline Template

Please provide a link to the chosen ads. If you are able to locate an electronic version of a print ad, please include it as an appendix.

Please submit assignments through Canvas.


The first deliverable for this assignment is an outline. This 1-2 page document will provide a sketch of the paper, including a statement of the thesis, a general description of the theory and supporting arguments for the thesis. The outline should include an introduction, thesis statement, supporting arguments, a conclusion and a reference list, as shown in the Outline Template I provide. Please provide a link to the ad in the outline.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ad Analysis
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Ad Analysis
Cognitive dissonance happens when people are confronted with internally inconsistent ideas (Ong et al., 2017). When a marketing campaign advertises a product or a brand in a way inconsistent with the prospects’ notion of that product or brand, it creates cognitive dissonance. For instance, following the discovery of smoking behavior’s contribution to cancer, some tobacco campaigns continued to market cigarettes as healthy, creating cognitive dissonance in the prospects. Dissonance can eliminate or reduce the effectiveness of a campaign. For example, a musician’s choice to support a political cause can be detrimental to their career by causing cognitive dissonance in a section of their fans which can effectively alienate them from the artists. From the theory of cognitive dissonance perspective, the ad analyzed below is not likely to be effective because it is not consistent with the prospects existing beliefs and attitudes and asks them to endanger their health to contribute to a public health cause.
The Ad
In 2011, a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) franchise in Utah launched a for-a-good-cause marketing campaign that implored its customers to participate in the fight against the diabetes epidemic (Nestle, 2011). The ad marketed a large calorie-dense Pepsi soda at $2.99 to the franchise’s customers to wash down their meals (Nestle, 2011). According to the ad, one dollar from each unit purchased would go to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) as a donation.
The target prospects for the ad included KFC customers interested in the fight against diabetes. Other receivers may also include people interested in donating to worthy causes.
The ad originated from the KFC franchise, giving it credibility and likely bolstering its persuasion. The theory of cognitive dissonance does not offer insight into the impact of a source on the audience.
The ad is delivered on big posters on the franchise’s premises for walk-in customers to view upon entering. The ad is also likely to be highly effective in reaching the intended audience because customers can easily see it upon entering the premises. Additionally, the channel is good for any audience as the message is easy to read and understand
The ad is a straightforward message, urging clients to complete...
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