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Your Company Security Concerns: Physical Security Research

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment you will look at some of the security concerns for your proposed company(McLeod Building Materials Company) and countermeasures you could use to help prevent the risks. Write up a one to two page summary of the needs.
Start by looking at what the company assets that you need to protect. Next looked at who has access to the assets, what risks make these assets vulnerable and methods to make the assets secure. Do not forget about physical security of the assets.
Some items to help you think about coverage include:
What could you do to protect the web server, communication channels and databases?
What company proprietary information needs to be protected? Does the company develop new software, patent medicine, copyrighted materials such as training, documents, etc?
Where do you need to use encryption?
What should be included in the acceptable use policy for employees, customers, and business partners?
What about the email system?
What about workstations, customer computers, etc?

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Building materials companies contemplate that the most adverse threats are from competitors, the economy and the construction activity. There are also security threats like physical threats and information security threats. The same threats affects competitors and so for McLeod Co. to gain a competitor advantage, tight security measures are needed for mainly their information security threats (Steve Durbin, 2012).
For McLeod Co. assets that need to be protected is majorly the new innovative technology on the process and materials used in making of bricks. McLeod injects a certain strain of aquatic bacteria in sand used in the brick making process. This process is patent to my company and the resultant bricks can be used for any structures in construction due to their vigour. This assets needs to be secure as it’s what differs McLeod from our competitors. The supervisor and the mixers in the brick making are responsible for this asset’s protection. They have the knowledge on the mixing ratios and how it’s manufactured. The same data is stored in the company computer but only accessed by the manufacturers. There are security threats to this asset and many more that the company produces (Zaharia, 2015).
Information security threat is on the upswing due to innovation in technology. It can be in form of internal threat, regulatory menace and external risk. External threats arise from cyber crime cases, espionage and activism. These can occur on the building material info that are patent to the McLeod Co. When such information is hacked, it becomes disastrous to company performance. Regulatory threats are often from the supervisory body that want to implement a...
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