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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Women in Business: Women Leadership

Essay Instructions:

2 full pages, double space, 12 point font. a cover sheet with name and the title of the paper onit and what citation style using. DO NOT HAVE THE TITLE ON THE TOP OF THE FIRST PAGE OF PAPER, ONLY ON THE TITLE PAGE. 3 SCHOLARLY sources for essay from the library database or e-book. make sure the sources are sscholary. please include te location where you found your sources in the citations if you got them electronically. include what database you found the article.


Your paper needs to follow these instructions:

  1. It must be well written.  I will check for college level sentence structure and paragraph structure. 


  1. Margins cannot exceed 1.25 inches, left or right, and no more than 1.25 inches, top or bottom.  Double space your lines and use 12 point font .



  1. You need a cover sheet with your name and the title of the paper on it and what citation style you are using.  Do not have the title on top of the first page of your paper, only on the title page 


  1. You must use three (3) SCHOLARLY sources for your essay from the library’s database or book/e-Book.  You must use proper in-text and end-of-the-paper citations for the three sources.  Your References or Works Cited list is not part of the 2-3 pages of your essay, it is in addition to it



Make sure the sources are scholarly (Peer Reviewed journal articles from a database or from a Book/e-Book).


  1.  I do want you to include the location where you found your sources in the citations if you got them electronically.  So include what database you found the article in.  See your notes to make sure you add this to your citation properly.  If a book from the Library, just add to the end of the citation this phrase:  ASU Library Collection


  1. Do Not Plagiarize!!  If you direct quote, do so properly.  If you paraphrase, do so properly. Have no more than 25% of your paper as quotes. 
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women in Business
(APA Citation Style)
Today’s business environment has grown to be highly competitive with much consideration being placed on efficiency and effectiveness of Human capital. As a result, more and more people are highly educated and prompt in performance. All the same, there exists a notable level of disparity in the business environment in terms of gender. One cannot decline to note that the number of women in business does not match the number of men; a fact attributed to the many spontaneous challenges that women face in the context of society. Despite this, there exist several women in distinguished leadership positions in fields of activity of large business enterprises.
As such, women are evidently prevailing over challenges posed by the society and hence achieving success in the overall business environment with a rising trend. They are, as a result making incredible contributions to society while establishing a great impact at the same time. It is however also important to note that for women to be successful in the business world, they ought to bear certain strengths and traits to be applied on a day-to-day pursuit for success (Radović, & Silver, 2010)
As the major world economies face rough times, businesses even increasingly require competent and experienced leadership; aspects that women can successfully acquire if and when they are given same opportunities, access and acceptance as their male counterparts in all levels of personal and professional growth and development. On their part therefore, women need to express confidence, assertiveness and ability in their quest of achieving success in business and in life in general (Nicola, 2006).
It remains vital for women in business to learn how to deal with gender discrimination on a personal level. They must understand their rights for fair treatment within the work environment, especially in regards to sexual discrimination and disparities in pay or remuneration. This is in consi...
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