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Interview: Why did you Choose this Job / Career? The Advantages of your Job

Essay Instructions:

I have conducted an interview on a person and need a paper written on my finding of the interview.
A. Why did you choose this job/career? Answer: Because it would support his family.
B. How did you choose this job/career? Answer: He chose this job because it paid more money than my last job and I also had experience.
C. Generally speaking, do you like this job/career, and why? Answer: Yes I love my job.
D. What are the advantages about this job, what do you like the most about this job? Answer: The advantages of this job are he can take paid vacation whenever he wants to. The most he likes about this job is it is an inside job. He does not have to work outside.
E. What are the limitations of the job, what do you dislike about this job?
Answer: there are no limitations, the one thing I dislike is sometimes I have to go outside and stand in the cold or heat. 
Also include the following in the interview report.
1.The background of your interviewee, including industry, company, job title, age, gender, and why you chose this person?
Answer: The background of this person is a mid-aged Hispanic man he has a bachelors degree in business, industry is customs compliance manager, the person has asked me to not give the company name, 46, Male, and this is the only person I know where I live. 
2. What does this person do on his/her current job? Makes sure the 18 Wheeler's can get across the borders in another country with the goods that are on the truck. 
3. Through you observation during interview, do you think the interviewee chose the right job/career and why? 
Yes, because he knew how to do the required qualifications. 
4. What have you learned about this job/career from the interview, especially those you did not know before? 
That it is harder than I thought to get goods across the country. Specific codes and procedures are required. You also have to abide by customs rules and regulations. 
5. Where you encouraged or discouraged to pursue the job/career from the interview and why? 
I was discouraged because the job sounds boring. He said most of the time all he does is sit and read policy. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Name:
A. Why did you choose this job/career? Answer: Because it would support his family.
B. How did you choose this job/career? Answer: He wanted this job because it paid more money than my last job and I also had experience
When the interviewer was asking this question, he or she was seeking a way to understand the underlying motivations of the interviewee for choosing the job. This is always a good question for the interviewers to have a better understanding of how much planning the interviewee had before their career choice. It’s important for every respondent to take time before answering this question and not just bluffing their way through a response. Before going for an interview, it’s important to spend ample time considering this issue. It is one of the questions that usually catch a candidate without the right answer in mind. The interviewee needs to think about major factors that influenced his or her decisions in advance.
Generally speaking, do you like this job/career, and why? Answer: Yes I love my job.
This is a behavioral question that is very common in most conducted interviews .Before answering this question it important to respond behaviorally. The appropriate way to respond to this interview is application of real examples from the previous job. I the case of the answer above, the interview do not provide a long answer and tends to be brief. The interviewee could have talked about a situation or a task from his previous job and the steps that he took together with the achieved outcomes. This is what could have made the answer unique and makes him a star.
What are the advantages of this job, what do you like the most about this job?
The meaning behind the question:
When the interviewer was asking this question, he was trying to identify what was the idea that made you feel comfortable about the Job for them to gauge the degree of the interviewee’s likeliness in enjoying his new job. It is a common question that is used by interviewers in spotting any incompatibility between the interviewed and the new job. The question is also used in reinforcing their opinion that the interviewee is indeed the correct match for the new position.
What are the limitations of the job, what do you dislike about this job?Answer: there are no restrictions, the one thing I dislike is sometimes I have to go outside and stand in the cold or heat.
This is a fundamental question that is usually asked during most job interviews in efforts unearth the relation between the previous job and what the interviewee dislikes about the job.At the time of answering such a question, it’s important for the interviewee to be keen and remember that diplomacy is essential to corporate success.
When asked on the aspects that made the interviewed of what he disliked...
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