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Business Model and Strategic Plan Part 3: Balanced Score Card

Essay Instructions:

Identify key trends, assumptions, and risks in the context of your final business model.
Develop the strategic objectives for your new division of the existing business in a balanced scorecard format in the context of key trends, assumptions, and risks.The strategic objectives are measures of attaining your vision and mission. As you develop them, consider the vision, mission, and values for your business and the outcomes of your SWOTT analysis and supply chain analysis. 
Company: Bank of America, new product intelligent portfolio
Consider the following four quadrants of the balanced scorecard when developing your strategic objectives:
• Shareholder Value or Financial Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Market share
o Revenues and costs
o Profitability
o Competitive position
• Customer Value Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Customer retention or turnover
o Customer satisfaction
o Customer value
• Process or Internal Operations Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Measure of process performance
o Productivity or productivity improvement
o Operations metrics
o Impact of change on the organization
• Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Employee satisfaction
o Employee turnover or retention
o Level of organizational capability
o Nature of organizational culture or climate
o Technological innovation
Develop at least three strategic objectives for each of the four balanced scorecard areas identified (Financial, Customer, Process, Learning and Growth). Your objectives should be selected, in part, based on an evaluation of a number of potential alternatives to the issues and/or opportunities identified in the SWOTT Analysis paper and table you completed in Week 3.
Base your solutions on a ranking of alternative solutions that includes an identification of potential risks and mitigation plans, and a stakeholder analysis that includes mitigation and contingency strategies. You should also incorporate the ethical implications of your solutions into your selection.
• For each strategic objective, develop a metric and target using a balanced scorecard format. (For example, a strategic objective in the shareholder or Financial Perspective is to increase market share. A metric to actually measure this strategic objective of market share increase is, "The percentage of increase in market share." The target is the specific number to be achieved in a particular time period. The target for the metric of "Increase market share" could be "Increase market share by 2% for each of the next 3 years" of an increase of 2% per year for 3 years.)
Outline a brief communication plan discussing how you will communicate the company's strategic objectives that includes the following:
• Define the purpose.
• Define the audience.
• Identify the channel(s) of communication and why you selected that channel.
Include conclusion

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Model and Strategic Plan Part 3: Balanced Score Card
The balanced scorecard is a strategic tool that allows the management to implement the strategy and includes the financial, customer, process, learning and growth perspectives (Brown, 2007). An organization then seeks to increase shareholders value, improve internal processes, train and retain the talented staff. Bank of America has recently adopted intelligent portfolios, and there is a need to translate the vision and strategy and communicating the strategic objectives. Implementing the performance metrics at the bank is crucial to achieving the strategic objectives, where the staff of the new division understanding and knowing what is expected of them. Besides the vision, mission and values, the balanced scorecard influences the organizational culture and aligned with strategic objectives.
Financial perspective
The financial dimensions a strategy that focuses on growth, profitability as well as risk management from a stockholder’s perspective (Harrison & John, 2013). Earnings and returns are performance indicators associated with the financial performance of an organization. The strategic objective of revenue growth is relevant to the sustainability of the new intelligent portfolios. The expansion of the new service and product will indicate the success of the new strategy while reaching new customers. A growth rate of 5 % annually in the new customers for the next there years is a metric measure to determine the growth and mix.
Another relevant financial perspective strategic objective is productivity improvement to improve the service delivery while reducing the costs related to intelligent portfolios. Even though, the intelligent portfolio is new, there will be shared resources with the related departments/ units. This is necessary to reducing costs while improving productivity. Improving asset utilization is another objective to improve the effectiveness of the intelligent portfolios. The return on investment would indicate whether the goal of asset utilization has been met. Measures to reduce costs, increase revenue all add value while increasing asset utilization. Additionally, the time to recoup investments made indicate the sustainability of the investment strategies associated with the intelligent portfolios.
Customer perspective
The customer dimension in the balanced scorecard is a strategy that focuses on differentiation and value creation from a customer’s perspective (Harrison & John, 2013). Bank of America will use the intelligent portfolios option to differentiate the organization form competitors, with the low cost and easily accessible option making it easier for the organization to connect with the clients by retaining and improving sustainable relationships. For Bank of America to improve its competitiveness there is a need to improve customer satisfaction, the market share as well as the quality of customer services. Focus on the customer perspective helps to maintain customers while also attracting more customers and clients (Oliveira, 2014). Additionally, improving customer satisfaction is important to achieve this and to maintain a positive image and reputation while also improving client relations (Oliveira, 2014).
The success of the customer value perspective is important to the overall success of the new division and intelligent portfolios. There is a need to improve customer service to ensure that the clients are satisfied with these services and do not refer the competitors (Brown, 2007). Even though, there may be unsatisfied clients, customer service will focus on understanding their concerns. The online platforms allows clients ton request for wealth and asset management, while they interact with staff. The services are available 24/7 and this gives the organization a competitive edge, while the option of interacting with advisors to meet the investment needs provides an opportunity to improve customer relations. Accessibility of information also makes it easier for the clients to enquire about new development on new services or better innovation.
Process perspective
The internal business process dimension prioritizes the planning of identification of process that creates values for shareholders and clients (Brown, 2007). For instance, improved technology capability makes it easier for the bank to improve operations and productivity (World Market Intelligence, 2013). The internal operations will rely on asset allocation and improved training to ensure that there is improved performances. The intelligent portfolio is an innovative investment option of high quality, and the staff recruited to work in the new department to ensure there has full understanding of the intelligent portfolio. The cost and quality of intelligent portfolio innovation are all components of the product...
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