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What Do Workers Want from the Boss?

Essay Instructions:

you will identify a current article from the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, or the Financial Times ,and analyze the article in the context of any of our class concepts. You will prepare a two-page written memo of your analysis. Do not summarize the article; rather, discuss how a Business and Society topic applies to the issue presented in the article. Provide a reference to your article using APA format. ((please provide the reference)) she didn't say how many reference she wants but please provide me with reference . I just select 5 but if its less then put less then five but if it more than put more than 5. thanks. best regards.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Wall Street
Date of Submission:
SUBJECT: What Do Workers Want from the Boss?
Employers must acknowledge that providing their workers with wages and salaries alone is not enough. This owes to the reality that workers expect to receive additional benefits such as a safe and ample working environment. As evidence, Webber (2015) argues that studies reveal that workers leave their jobs just to have some personal space (free from their supervisors). It follows that understanding that employees require an ample and safe working environment is important to business executives because it will help them improve on the productivity of their employees. The study by Webber (2015) focuses on communication, job priorities, and accountability as the main areas that can aid managers improve employee productivity.
According to Webber (2015), employees are more likely to be engaged in their jobs if their managers hold regular meetings than when managers assume every employee is working accordingly. This owes to the reality that workers prefer to work with bosses who have a direct contact with them. The same author further asserts that employees who communicate openly with their managers trust their bosses deeply. This is possible if managers use different means to communicate to their staff. In fact, Lawson (2009) argues that managers should use different modes of communication to increase productivity among their employees. For instance, using e-mails, personal digital assistants, and the internet can help managers communicate with young employees effectively. However, managers should also acknowledge the need for direct communication when dealing with elderly employees (Angeline, 2011). Simply put, managers should strive to improve communication with their employees in order to increase employee productivity.
Job Priorities and Goals
Besides communication, employee value organizational goals and the prioritizing of jobs. Webber (2015) who argues that workers feel their managers provide with little guidance for understanding their responsibilities highlight the need for organizational goals and the prioritizing of jobs. This owes to the...
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