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Predominant Common Characteristic in Women Leaders

Essay Instructions:

There are numerous examples of women succeeding in traditionally male-dominated professions. However, if success is defined as actually running a company, a corporation, or even a country, we must look at the statistics.

There are 19 female CEOs running Fortune 500 companies. This sounds solid, but this actually only makes up 3.8% of the total.

Over 70 women serve in the United States Congress. This, too, seems applause-worthy, until you count all 535 seats in both the House and Senate. That means women hold seats in only 13.8% of Congress, despite making up 52% of the American voting population.

Women have certainly come a long way in the United States, but they still have a very long way to go before they have an equal share of the real power in that country.

Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Nancy Pelosi are four women leaders who have broken the glass ceiling in the world of politics and leadership. Please describe one specific, predominant, and common characteristic that three of these superwomen possess that might account for their breaking the glass ceiling.

Use the following questions to guide your supportive writing:

How specifically is this characteristic demonstrated?

How do these women apply this characteristic in their decision making, strategic planning, or problem solving?

Are these characteristics an offshoot of a traditionally male-oriented style?

If so, which male leader do they most resemble?

Based on this predominant characteristic, which leadership theory would they utilize most effectively?

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Predominant common characteristic in women leaders
Course title:
There has been a misconception that there have been a high number of women who have raised to the leadership positions despite the dominance of men in this field. This misguided notion has emanated from the consideration of the number figures without making the percentage calculations. However, it is of no question that there have been quite a number of women who have raised to the leadership positions despite the challenges posed by the male dominance. Some of those women include, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin and Nancy Pelosi. Those women have broken the glass ceiling in the political and leadership aspects in the United States.
Common Characteristic
Those women have common predominant characteristics that could be analyzed. This paper analyses one of them. Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin and Nancy Pelosi have one common predominant characteristic in the sense that; those women have audacity. This common characteristic is demonstrated in the way they articulate their leadership and political undertakings. It is this common characteristic in the four women that has geared their decision to venture in to the leadership and politics.
As Mehta & Sharma (2014) found out; without audacity or courage/ bravery, those women would not decide to venture in to a field that is dominated by male figures. Their decision making is guided by the audacity such that they do not fear the possible threats that could arise from their venture into a male dominated field. Their articulation in the political and leadership field is also shaped by this characteristic. According to Jacob, Scherpereel & Adams (2014) it is a common notion in politics that one has to move with the shining star in order to survive in this otherwise regarded as a dirty game. It therefore, calls for audacity from these women to orient to the shining star in political matters.
This characteristic also plays a crucial role in their strategic planning. Kadera (2013) maintains that; in leadership, there is always need to make strategic plans in order to be successful. The four women have demonstrated application of their audacity in strategic planning in the different political and leadership positions that they have held. When Condoleezza Rice held the position of the secretary of the state, she made strategic planning based on this common characteristic in those four women who have risen in the political and leadership arena despite the dominance by the male figures.
This common characteristic in the four women and other positive characteristics too, can be said to have been instilled in those women by both nature and nurture. By nature, it is meant that, the audacity is in their blood. It means that they were born courageous and therefore, the audacity is in their genes. By nurture...
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