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West Jets Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives And Future Plans

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Do the short essay on West Jets corporate social responsibility initiatives and future plans.

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WestJet CSR
Since civilization began, there has to be a trending aspect for the business organization and other supporting aspects. These trending issues seem to affect both the organizations and the society around them. Corporate social responsibility is one of these issues. According to Nwagbara & Reid (2013), both academic and business have paid attention to CSR for decades trying to get new knowledge on the matter. The increased attention has promoted the corporate social responsibility to become a challenging topic because of the many definitions and conclusions that various scholars and organizations have come up with amid the held researches. Companies and firms practicing corporate social responsibility have inhibited more benefits than cons from the practice. Although tasking and consume resources, this practice is advocated for and it is an input for success in today's economy. Despite the popularity of CSR and the benefits accrued there are companies, which are known to avoid or go to the levels of lying on the performance of the same, this raises questions and the feasibility of the practice. Due to its sensitive nature, the aspect of CSR has also gained attention in the management literature where leaders today are required to know and be apprehensive with the principles of CSR. This paper is going to look at a corporate social society based on West Jet CSR.
In the literal meaning, CSR can be defined as the economic benefits that are gained by an organization by addressing societal needs (Mazutis & Slawinski, 2015). It can also be said to be the benefits accrued by a firm from looking at the stakeholder's requirements. The latter is important to this paper as we are in the age where business success is largely based on how the stakeholders view the organization; this is in terms of CSR commitment and communication.
WestJet Airlines Ltd was founded in 1996 as a low-cost alternative to competing for Canadian airlines. West Jet charters to more than 100 destinations all over the world, including the United States, Mexico, Caribbean, and Central America. Inclusive of subsidiaries the airline has an airline has a fleet size of 184 planes with the slogan love where you going. It is the second largest airline in Canada behind Air Canada. It is listed and hence a public company. Fast jet has a human resource of more than 13,000 employees. It is a large organization, and hence the picture it relays to the public is equally important.
WestJet is using social media, the internet, and television to get popular. They have launched tons of advertisements and campaigns to introduce their new products and offers to their customers. WestJet has its presence on both Twitter and Facebook, which are the most popular social sites in the world. Through these sites, they make sure that any information about their activities is posted for their target audience. When the company was initiated, they clearly state that just because you pay less does not mean you should get less. Most of their ads insisted on customer care, and the whole culture was and has been built on caring for their customers, by giving excellent care.
As a company, that provides high-quality customer service and at the same time very popular, it equally attracts the same attention from the public. WestJet has had a mindful business and to tame their activities and align them with those of the public and stakeholders; they have always resorted to high standards of corporate social responsibility. Among the issues and aspects, it has addressed through their CSR is an environmental commitment, and value of their employees.
WestJet c...
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