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Listed Companies in Hong Kong- Part 2 (Banking Industry)

Essay Instructions:

Background: The mission of our client’s charity is to educate the public about risks and opportunities of the stock market, especially at present when the Hang Seng index is at historic high. They are currently building a website with information about various listed companies in Hong Kong, for people who do not have access to Bloomberg terminal (and the client’s charity does not have one too). They need a series of reports/powerpoint slides about these listed companies. This time, our client would like an analysis of the listed banks in Hong Kong.

Additional Requests/Advice: Pick up to 5 listed banks in Hong Kong people (based on your preference), and use the Bloomberg terminal/google/other media outlets to get information about these 5 banks. Rank the 5 banks in the order of your recommendation (based on any metric you use). The deliverable you submit should be self-explanatory, and easily understood by an “average” person. Be sure to include the latest news about the listed companies you have chosen (e.g new initiatives of a bank). The use of the Bloomberg terminal is highly encouraged.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Listed Companies in Hong Kong- Part 2 (Banking Industry) Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Listed Companies in Hong Kong-Part 2 (Banking Industry) In this bank analysis, we are going to consider the top 5 banks in Hong Kong and analyses them according to their profitability, assets, number of subsidiaries and branches across the Hong Kong and recommendations. The chosen banks to be analyzed include; the Bank of China (Hong Kong), the Bank of East Asia limited, Wing Lung Bank, Fubon Bank (Hong Kong), and Citibank (Hong Kong). The analysis will help us to rank the banks further according to the level of growth and customer retention. The Bank of China (Hong Kong) One of the most popular banks in Hong Kong is the bank of China (Hong Kong). The name of this bank is shortened as BOCHK. This bank is a subsidiary of the Chinese operating bank known the Bank of China through the bank of China holding company which is listed in the Hong Kong financial markets. The data at the end of the year 2016 shows that the bank of China (honking) is the second largest bank in Hong Kong. The information is based on the customer deposits, the number of branches in Hong Kong and short term together with its long-term assets. This bank is permitted by the Hong Kong monetary authorities to issue the Hong Kong dollar notes making it one of the three important banks in Hong Kong. The BOCHK is separate legal entity fro is parent company which is the bank of China, but there is a close relationship between the two because of the use similar managerial functions and also corporate in the reselling of the assets and security services. BOCHK is the largest member and a founder of the JETCO payment system and ATM which is designated for making payments around Hong Kong. The bank ok of China (Hong Kong) operates separately since its separation from a merger of 12 groups in the year 2001. Since its separation from the subsidiaries, it was listed in the Hong Kong financial and stock exchange in the year 2002. The bank has drastically grown because, at the end of the year 2016, it was reported to possess HK$2.372billion in assets and a further operating profit of HK$29 billion in cash found in their head office at the banks tower in Hong Kong. The building which houses the bank of China Hong Kong was one of the first structures to be taller than 100 feet outside the United States of America. The building was fully completed in the year 1988, and it also houses the parent company which the bank of China. Bank of China Hong Kong awards and rankings (2013) Trade Finance magazine: “Best in trading and finance bank in China.” (2013) The Asian banker of the tear: “best in internet banking products in Hong Kong.” (2013) Director and boards: “gold round table” awarded by the board. (2013) the asset: best service provider in Hong Kong. Bank of East Asia The bank of East Asia usually abbreviated as BEA main operates in the Hong Kong-mainland. The BEA stands as one of the six biggest banks in Hong Kong on the bases of short term and long term assets. The head office of the bank of East Asia is in central Hong Kong which is headed by its executive chairman Sir David Li. This bank was started in Hong Kong by nine founder members in November 1918. The current market capitalization of this bank is HK$68.4 billion or US$ 8.4 billion. The consolidated assets of the bank of East Asia are US$103 billion as at the year end of the year 2017. The stocks of this bank are listed in the Hong Kong stock exchange and use a stock code of 23. The bank of East Asia is one of the largest banks, in Hong Kong in terms of branches since it operates 72 branches in Hong Kong and 200 other customer points globally. In the entire globe, the bank has a workforce of more than 10000 employees. The United Chinese Bank fully acquired and merged with the bank of East Asia in 1995, and the merger was fully completed in 2001. The bank has continued to expand as of 2000 it acquired another subsidiary which known as the First Pacific Bank. In 2001 when the Hong Kong legislative council passed the BEA ordinance, the ordinance enables the BEA to acquire the First Pacific Bank where all the asset were transferred to BEA. Citibank Hong Kong The Citibank Hong Kong limited in public listed company, and it is incorporated in Hong Kong. The operations of Citibank began in the year 1902 in Hong Kong when it became the first bank from a foreign land to offer financial services in Hong Kong. The bank operates in the Citibank tower in central Hong Kong. The bank operates major 48 branches fragmented all over Hong Kong, Macau, Kowloon and the new territories of Hong Kong. The Citibank Group which is the parent company of Citi Bank operates three major divisions of the financial sector. The three divisions are Global Wealth Management, Market and Banking, and the Citi Global. Citibank operates its global consumer operations in 25 branches in Hong Kong and Macau. In addition to banking services, the bank also issues insurance products, publi...
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